Example sentences of "[adj] that [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 Recently , from a series of parliamentary questions that I tabled to the Secretary of State for Scotland , it became clear that since his appointment he had not even bothered to contact the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority to discuss the storage and reprocessing of spent fuel at Dounreay .
2 The context in Mark 3:20–30 makes it abundantly clear that by his cures and exorcisms Jesus is driving out the demons .
3 However , Mr. Thornton made clear that in his submission requesting the receipt was merely an incident in the operation of the shop .
4 Cecil made it quite clear that in his opinion , at least , the " strangers " in charge of the works were pretending to act simply and fairly towards the society but were thought to be dealing more for their own " private lucre " than for the benefit of the society , " … this despite diverse great sums of money due by them for rent having been remitted for their better encouragement to carry on the work … "
5 If the reader is tempted to doubt the general validity of such a concrete and specific historical instance , let me remind him that Campanella — an ostensibly Christian author , be it noted — makes it perfectly clear that in his socialist utopia , the City of the Sun , ‘ no one can receive gifts from another .
6 He also made it clear that in his view a lasting political settlement could only be achieved when the Algerian people made their wishes known through the ballot box .
7 It is interesting that in his later years Wordsworth regarded himself as a statesman as much as a poet ; he certainly annoyed his womenfolk by talking politics incessantly with Robert Southey , though one might have expected two writers to bore the company with literary theory .
8 That Aethelheard 's flight was not generally seen as discreditable is clear from Leo III 's subsequent praise of him for endangering his life against ‘ Julian the Apostate ’ , as the pope described Eadberht , but Alcuin gave Aethelheard no such credit and remained highly critical of him for allegedly neglecting his Christian duty and it is possible that in his absence the Kentish leaders were considering the election of another archbishop .
9 It was typical that on his retirement he and his wife moved — not to somewhere in England , but to the South of France .
10 In the centre of the piece was a carving of a shoemaker resisting four shaggy devils who were dragging him from the embraces of what at first Athelstan thought was a young lady but , on looking closer , -realised that with his tail and close-cropped hair , it was a depiction of a male prostitute .
11 At the same time , it was becoming obvious that between his two drivers , Dennis was favouring Prost .
12 I make this point because I am sure that during his year of office he will continue his fight against injustice and let officers of the Council and the Labour Group be aware .
13 Believing that all he had to do was crown himself and slay the princes , Malekith marched into the sacred flame , confident that like his father before him he could endure the ordeal .
14 Where a teacher is confident that in his or her professional judgement attainment has taken place but there is not a piece of concrete supportive evidence as outcome they are asked to annotate the context and their view of the achievement .
15 It is not unlikely that in his crusading travels and meetings Edward garnered ideas and experience from the Roman world of the Mediterranean and sought to emulate that great legislator , his father-in-law , Alfonso X. Not less probable , however , is the influence of the church , and this at several different levels .
16 It is suggestive that during his reign military uniform became for the first time permissible dress at the Habsburg court .
17 I was disappointed that in his opening speech the Foreign Secretary did not even mention the horrific growth in racial attacks and neo-Nazi bands that are now rampaging around the eastern part of what is now the unified Germany .
18 On Jan. 16 , Yeltsin reported to the Supreme Soviet that on his recent tour of the country to find out the effects of price liberalization he had found that local officials were not implementing government measures for social protection and that producers ' profit margins were too high .
19 So it was not really surprising that despite his upwardly mobile outlook , Collor attended the paupers ' summit in June 1990 at which fifteen debtor nations from the underdeveloped South discussed their predicament .
20 It is surprising that in his time and ever since , his culpability has received so little attention .
21 Given these qualities of the PDMs , it is perhaps not surprising that in his 1960 study Fiedler concluded that the most effective work groups were led by psychologically distant managers and not by psychologically close managers .
22 She was also very much aware that with his return the atmosphere had intensified .
23 ‘ He is an experienced player who acknowledged that he was fully aware that under his contractual responsibilities he was forbidden to make unauthorised public statements .
24 Luce was well aware that beneath his bland expression he was highly entertained , and for a moment she felt aggrieved .
25 It is significant that in his affidavit evidence the debtor criticises the quality of the advice he received , but he does not otherwise query the reasonableness of the charges .
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