Example sentences of "[adj] with [noun pl] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 It is a long , low , curving building typical of his designs , being some five storeys high with ramps connecting upper and lower floors .
2 The subway is popular with revellers walking from town centre pubs to late night bars , restaurants and a nightclub in Gladstone Street and North Road .
3 The place is obviously popular with climbers seeking something other than the frenetic commercialism of Zermatt or Chamonix , but also quality routes at all grades .
4 The two women were staying at the Baya Camp at Lake Sibaya , an isolated settlement popular with tourists seeking to experience the African bush in the wild .
5 They were popular with workers taking holidays from the industrial towns .
6 Her coat was wet with bits sticking to it .
7 Finally , the management of the fund may be unfamiliar with futures trading , and be cautious about engaging in arbitrage transactions .
8 The committee do n't ‘ old with servants using the lift . ’
9 The infinitive event is expressed as non-realized with verbs expressing desire ( He wants , wishes , desires to leave ) , endeavour ( He tried , attempted , endeavoured to explain it to me ) , verbal command ( He asked , told , ordered , commanded them to open the door ) , requirement ( The law requires you to purchase a licence .
10 The costing is also straightforward with prices ranging from £72.50 for 200 printed postcards with 100 envelopes to match , to £120 for 200 sheets of engraved A4 paper plus 100 continuation sheets and 200 matching envelopes .
11 We conclude that the build-up of the HNO 3 column in autumn is consistent with N 2 O 5 uptake on background aerosols , and that the loss of HNO 3 over winter is consistent with reactions occurring on polar stratospheric clouds .
12 I think audiences get bored with groups introducing strong hardcore politics into every song .
13 One is that there has been far more kicking with sides belting the ball downfield and then hoping to block the attacking position .
14 The long hall was caparisoned with cloths of Paris , costly arras , and ablaze with torches burning fiercely in their countless sconces along the walls .
15 The last 20 minutes was scrappy with nerves setting in for Leeds .
16 Some of the speculation had been self-cancelling with newspapers predicting that the Government would take quite opposite courses .
17 Keeping your knees flat on the floor , bring your head and shoulders forward and down as far as possible with elbows pointing outwards .
18 The factories are rife with diseases needing attention and routine dosing of the animals with vitamins and drugs takes place , often to the point of dependency .
19 An unexpected gap in the mountains beckoned us to a silent lake fed by waterfalls and surrounded by woods with banks of moss , lichens and fungi alive with lemmings scurrying among holes and tree roots .
20 It was four in the morning when they arrived , and the place was alive with men taking down tents and loading stores and checking supplies .
21 ‘ Is it compassionate for a person to be kept alive with tubes going into their stomach ?
22 The results of putting these services out to competitive tender have proved to be controversial with proponents claiming significant improvements in efficiency and critics claiming a substantial worsening in service quality .
23 The initial pitches gave easy climbing up the low angled base , but as usual with routes having ( F6a ) and ( F6b ) moves , there were only two or three bolts a long way apart .
24 The un-named visitor thought the whole scene , complete with students buying oranges and nuts from an old man under the archway , was one of ‘ painful vapidity ’ .
25 One morning in his childhood he came downstairs , opened a door ‘ and it was like below the decks of an old galleon complete with hammocks hanging up ’ .
26 These are sometimes naturally hollow with ants biting entrance holes at thin-walled points while others have natural invaginations .
27 The weather for the Fox area : scattered heavy showers are gradually going to die away during the evening to leave the night dry with skies becoming mainly clear , so it will be rather cold with the temperature dropping to a dawn low of around five degrees celsius — that 's forty-one degrees fahrenheit .
28 TV company Carlton Communications , which takes over the Thames franchise in January , is looking good with analysts forecasting a profits increase of up to 16% , at £103m .
29 The demand for pigs has remained buoyant with prices reaching an all time high in the middle of June .
30 An investigation of 300 boxmakers in 1915 ( of whom 78 per cent were married women and 16 per cent widowed ) found that one-third were totally dependent on their earnings , one-third partly dependent , and one-third worked only for ‘ pin money ’ ; but a much larger study of Birmingham workers in 1906 had found that 52 per cent of outworkers ( a category including those employed in small workshops and homeworkers ) were married with husbands earning small or irregular wages , 46 per cent were widows or deserted wives and only 0.4 per cent worked for pocket money .
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