Example sentences of "[adj] he [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 James Hann , Scottish Nuclear 's chairman has made it clear he wants to continue buying fuel from BNF but has said he is prepared to look abroad if he ca n't obtain a reasonable price .
2 Anyway you its funny he wanted to insist that my husband should be there and I said I can decide do n't worry .
3 In public he continued to argue that Nato 's conventional forces were needed essentially to handle a small incident — the most likely kind of military crisis in his view .
4 Like the British he preferred to exercise power without visible institutional support .
5 Sadly , until his behaviour becomes more reliable he has to remain at arm 's length .
6 But he is afraid he have to correct Mr Browne on a matter of geography : the British troops were not waiting for war in the Kuwaiti desert ; that was the Iraqi troops .
7 ‘ Not so clever he thought to put a bit by to take care of you lot when he 'd gone , ’ Uncle Philip pointed out reasonably .
8 Such withering disapproval had curled those drooping lips after her initial consternation , and Nahum was so inwardly uncomfortable he forgot to consider Sarah 's feelings .
9 ‘ I was delighted he decided to do it , ’ Maggie said .
10 ‘ It 's very sad he has to start his campaign with a personal smear , ’ he said .
11 He got so paranoid he decided to leg it .
12 William could see the village where they lived and the smoke from the fires rising straight up into the air and the dark tower of the church rising above a cluster of stark trees , and because he was nervous he wanted to work his way in that direction , so it would not be so far to run , but because his father was beside him , smiling his reassuring smile , he did n't .
13 I was glad he chose to wear it , for otherwise , in his shirt-sleeves and braces walking between us , it could have been mistaken for an arrest or at least a ‘ helping with inquiries ’ and the last thing I wanted was a street riot .
14 I am glad he came to live among the villagers , and I think they like him too . ’
15 I 'm glad he decided to come .
16 ‘ It is unfortunate he had to leave so soon after your arrival . ’
17 That Rose herself was imperfect he refused to admit , refused even to contemplate , even though her love-making was surprisingly accomplished for one so young .
18 Stuart Downing , editor of the club 's fanzine Fly Me To The Moon , was at Filbert Street , and said : ‘ It was his first goal and it was natural he wanted to celebrate .
19 Clive had to have them , because the competition did , but since the benefits were at best indirect he had to come up with the idea of asking the students from each country to get together and prepare a ‘ typical national dish ’ .
20 Although his sister was now gravely ill he had to return to London but , on the voyage back , he was again afflicted with tachycardia and when the ship docked at Southampton he was rushed to hospital in London ; while recovering there , he learned that his sister had died .
21 And yet to the world at large he claimed to have conducted a most detailed investigation into the whole matter , sufficient to enable him to arrive at an informed judgement that British policy remained correct .
22 Oh he said oh I 'd like to give it all a good he wants to clean it there 's always something on the floor , it 's like a erm lino , it 's probably but all bigger squared
23 But er I his lieutenants were there and I 'm sure he looked to see that they were doing their job properly .
24 It would have demanded from Toby a display of powers he was by no means sure he possessed to prevent Pickerage going off with Hilary Frome .
25 He 'd been sitting apparently fascinated by my World Religions class , and when he came up at the end I was sure he wanted to ask a question about Zoroastrianism or Thuggee , or whatever damned thing I 'd been going on about .
26 I 'm sure he wanted to join in the fun but maybe he did just want to make sure they all got down safely .
27 Batsman Stewart Hutton was n't sure he wanted to play county cricket at all when the offer came to give up his steady job with ICI and join Durham 's great new adventure this summer .
28 He was n't sure he wanted to hear that message .
29 He was n't sure he wanted to make the trap now .
30 Riven was not sure he wanted to know the reason .
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