Example sentences of "[adj] for [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 Afterwards she repented it bitterly , but she was hopeless at apologizing : instead of retracting her feelings , what she always did was to say that she was sorry for expressing them , a kind of amends that costs nothing and carries the built-in rebuke that the other person is unable to bear the truth .
2 I reminded her about the things she said last night — the things you apparently overheard , so you say — and she now realises she was quite wrong to say those things , even if they were supposed to be some kind of joke … and … she is sorry for saying them because she now understands that those careless words of hers were what basically caused the misunderstanding . ’
3 you ca n't , I know I do n't hear very well , but it was too h too high for to hear them singing .
4 Mr Behbehanian , his banker , who believed that the British controlled every event in Iran , was still pressing him to repair there and to apologize to the British for insulting them in recent years .
5 How did the people in Nuremberg feel towards the British for bombing them ?
6 You , erm , I use buses and cars and I use a bike as well , er , er I think that , we used to have a car and I stopped using it , I used it , we had it when the kids were small and I found it really good for getting them around and it really was necessary to young mothers but their big now and I do n't have to chauffeur .
7 Those who read highbrow papers found their papers no more useful for helping them decide how to vote or for revealing politicians ' personalities , and only a little more useful for explaining political issues .
8 Bernie laid right into me , telling me I was stupid for losing them .
9 Soldered joints are often difficult to spot visually , but radiography is helpful for detecting them if the solder is denser than the rest of the object or if there is a cavity at the joint .
10 ‘ My reasons for so soon destroying my drawings were these ; though I dare say that they do n't appear so rational to any one but myself : I was obliged to limit the work — in order to get more subscribers — & to erase the drawings — because the expense is considerable for keeping them on , & I have pretty great difficulty in paying my monthly charges , — for to pay colourer & printer monthly I am obstinately pre-possessed — since I had rather be at the bottom of the River Thames — than be one week in debt — be it never so small .
11 Plaintiffs must prove that the words of which they complain have a defamatory meaning , that the words refer to them , and that the defendant was responsible for publishing them .
12 Who is responsible for calculating them ?
13 Garvin himself , before he became Commandant , had been responsible for training them .
14 Mr Thomson also felt undermined because ‘ untoward occurrences ’ , including allegations of staff threatening residents , were not being relayed to him for up to three weeks , even though he was legally responsible for reporting them to the county council .
15 Despite conflicting statements from Tehran and press conjecture centring on Libya , it was never clear who was responsible for laying them .
16 It does not seem ever to have been satisfactorily answered why the two first operational atomic bombs were used — against the strongly voiced wishes of the leading physicists responsible for developing them — to destroy two cities instead of being deployed in the equivalent of spectacularly shooting out candles .
17 The other was the search in living tissues for the carriers or agents which determined these properties , i.e. the genes responsible for producing them in successive generations .
18 ‘ This is ludicrous because we are responsible for getting them out of any real trouble , should it arise .
19 Kelburne , winners of the title for the past three years are always at their best when forced into a tight corner and so on this occasion Magee was the man responsible for getting them out of jail .
20 They could easily be moulded into standard forms and stamped with denominations and the names of the authorities responsible for issuing them .
21 But it is by no means certain what the law is when the goods are on the premises of one who was not responsible for bringing them there and who has committed no tort with respect to them .
22 The changes are intended to reflect the Citizen 's Charter approach that Government is responsible for defining those standards which the public expects , with managers responsible for delivering them .
23 Day and residential courses attended by choirs are usually insured by the RSCM or other organisations responsible for organising them .
24 Since I had taken her from her people , I felt in some degree responsible for seeing them together again .
25 Budgets should be sufficiently detailed to set clear targets for the managers responsible for carrying them out , but should not be so complex that they defeat their purpose of providing planning and control aids at the operating levels of the enterprise ;
26 Decentralisation and delegation : particularly the delegation of decision making and budgets to cost centres so that decisions are made by those responsible for carrying them out .
27 Nor was there any reason to believe that the Conservatives would support an Asquith government when Asquith had been responsible for turning them out of office .
28 Ganymede was beloved by ZEUS , who assumed the guise of an eagle so as to spirit him up to Olympus ; there he was given immortality and became the gods ' cup-bearer , responsible for giving them their daily draught of the Elixir of Life .
29 These recits are the most interesting of Guedron 's works ; it was he who was responsible for introducing them in place of spoken dialogue , thereby taking the ballet de cour a significant step nearer to opera , particularly in the Ballet de la Délivrance de Renaud ( 1617 ) ( see also p. 322 , n. 44 ) and Ballet du Roy sur L'Adventure de Tancrède en la forest enchantée ( 1619 ) .
30 Human rights education programmes must also provide information about the institutions that exist to protect human rights , and about the mechanisms available for reaching them .
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