Example sentences of "[adj] it [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 Most likely it derives from Durkheim whose penultimate chapter in The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life is entitled ‘ Piacular Rites and the Ambiguity of the Notion of Sacredness ’ .
32 The more schematic , abstract and inclusive a theory , the more comprehensively explanatory it appears to be .
33 In the Baronnies you can see where the country is going hang , and very pretty it looks of course , with wild flowers flourishing where there were once crops or grazing animals , and the woodlands taking over cleared hillsides .
34 The trick here was never less than eight feet wide and in some places where the ground was soft it spread to thirty or forty feet .
35 When it got to about 1 a.m. he realised how cold it got at night when you are outside .
36 Understandably , this has been a bone of contention with many of the staff of the polytechnics ever since , who maintain that for teaching at degree level to be lively and effective it needs to be supported within the institution by an active research programme .
37 The Council says it 'll be monitoring sound volume to make sure it keeps to within agreed levels .
38 A delegation from the opposition Democratic Progressive Party ( DPP ) , was in Singapore to try to make sure it stuck to that pledge .
39 Juniors come to recognize that the local , situation-specific knowledge they are expected to acquire is important , that it will be called upon , and that it is their responsibility to develop and communicate it , to be sure it gets into the decision process .
40 " Are you sure it went into the sea , Menina ? "
41 Er I not really sure it depends on what you mean in that particular context .
42 Make sure it arrives in time to be included in the next issue .
43 what I would like and I 'm sure it happens with the previous C P O er and I have been notified by telephone and I keep saying to them let me know , but I would like probably a memo from each C P O to say that there is a meeting on this particular night .
44 For a start , there 's a whole team of people who work to make sure it happens in the first place .
45 Erm I find this afternoon brings back lots of memories , I 'm sure it does to you .
46 I personally and I 'm sure it goes for many here , have spent a long time in the private rented sector and if the opportunity existed to get into council housing we would have taken it .
47 With the age and general appearance of the driver and the obvious wealth behind the car itself Campion was sure it had to be either hard drugs or pornography , maybe a sweep operation somewhere and one of the fishes had struggled through the net .
48 The more the UK Vehicle Division restricted output , the more sure it headed for the final chop . ’
49 " Everything has to be done as quickly as possible ; the only time we spend extra hours in the garden is over the few weeks we are entering competitions , just to make sure it looks at its best , " says Barbara .
50 Er it might be having someone making sure the out of the way , to make sure it looks as those there 's mil that there 's someone in , in or out the house .
51 Well i i and if it cried well you let it cry , you just let it go on crying until it was so tired it went to sleep .
52 Amoeba-like it pulsated on the racks , changing shape from week to week , gaining sections then cutting then reinstating them , switching typefaces and altering the magazine 's format , this last at a cost of £1.8m .
53 I let myself unwind at last — how good it feels to be back in the field , especially in this cinnamon-scented corner of the mortal sphere .
54 No wonder , it may be thought , that the broadcasters were unanimous to finding these restrictions too severe ; some argued that the Commons itself , by these restrictions , was giving a false and misleading impression to the audience , especially because of the absence of reaction shots ; Anne Lapping , the editor of A Week In Politics , said ‘ the more freedom you let the cameras have , the more good it does to the Mother of Parliaments ’ .
55 Yep very good it comes to a twelfth .
56 For used money to be viable it has to be seen to make new money .
57 In the word de'mocracy , the accent is on the second syllable ; in demo'cratic it shifts to the third syllable .
58 Arguably , the Club has set the standards for other to follow — and very healthy it looks on them too .
59 Faced with the choice of reinventing itself or hanging up its boots , 88open , the supporters club for Motorola Inc 88000 RISC vendors , is said to be finalising a plan to offer its conformance testing expertise to the industry at large , via a separate organisation that will develop and implement test suites for suppliers of other RISC architectures and consortia like PowerOpen or Sparc International it sees as potential customers .
60 Faced with the choice of reinventing itself or hanging up its boots , 88open , the supporters club for Motorola Inc 88000 RISC vendors , is reportedly finalising a plan to offer up its conformance testing expertise to the industry at large , via a separate organisation that will develop and port test suites for suppliers of other RISC architectures and consortia like PowerOpen or Sparc International it sees as potential customers .
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