Example sentences of "[adj] it [be] just " in BNC.

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1 It 's a different it 's just that Sunday 's free for me .
2 It 's not so much claustrophobic it 's just
3 I ca n't do that I tell you , I mean I do n't mind , do n't get me wrong it 's just that I was the last one back up and I got up there , still got a little bit of to do and they got more than they did
4 Now I 'm so high it is just amazing .
5 The answer is once they 've clenched their teeth there 's nothing you can do about it , if their tongue is there I 'm afraid it 's just hard luck .
6 ‘ I 'm afraid it 's just the kind of reasoning he would apply .
7 Jane Fowler asks why only 9 per cent of women who can benefit are taking the option There are still too many doctors who will say ‘ I 'm afraid it 's just your age , my dear ’ or ‘ You 'll just have to live with it'
8 ‘ There are still too many doctors who will say ‘ I 'm afraid it 's just your age , my dear ’ or ‘ You 'll just have to live with it ’ , ’ says Nicol .
9 Well it 's a , I 'm afraid it 's just getting
10 be quite sort of interesting It was just er d I was gon na ask you about your name as well , , it does n't sound very
11 it 's really funny I just when I wan na be simple it 's just like I 'm gon na break down in front of a man yeah and they just got , cos they 're mean
12 In the winding it 's just their lot has n't changed a great deal .
13 yeah I mean to be honest it 's just a case of one of you , it does go that way , I knew I was right the first time , of one of you just remembering
14 Yeah that 's , that 's okay it 's just er I mean I would like to feel you would introduce me if they actually knocked on the door and came in this evening otherwise they 'd think would n't you , I mean
15 You know how tight it is just now what with your mother 's funeral expenses .
16 Most likely it was just a joke .
17 Ah I mean they will soften anyway and they are comfortable it 's just that the sides are a bit rigid at the moment but then they 're bound to be and they will give .
18 Despite Harvey Pitcher 's reservations as to Martha 's ability to afford such a gift , I 'm sure it is just the kind of thing she would have engineered as a token of thanks .
19 ‘ I 'm sure it 's just a matter of attitude of mind .
20 Apparently none of this means too much to the East Germans at the moment , but we 're sure it 's just another barrier that they 'll soon surmount .
21 ‘ She comes across as lazy , but I 'm sure it 's just because Miss Philimore wo n't give her any responsibility .
22 I says I know , you have n't been to see your team here , he says right once you 've been to Wembley the second time 's never as good it 's just that
23 Well you can understand it when somebody poor robs someone who 's rich , but when someone who 's poor robs someone else who 's poor it 's just
24 It 's great it 's just like being in a video game except you 're completely involved in it .
25 It 's great it 's just like being in a video game except you 're completely involved in it .
26 oh the cupboards are brilliant it 's just the fronts are so dated and the man in these reports in the house said erm , kitchen is satisfactory but it needs updating and it was only about seven years ago it was brand new , no , not seven , have we been in then , no eight , so nine or something , I know the fronts need sorting out .
27 It 's brilliant it is just the best .
28 As far as he and I are concerned it 's just a number .
29 And as far as Daniele was concerned it was just a business arrangement , nothing else .
30 I do n't feel hungry it 's just a psychological thing when you 're dieting is n't it , that you , you feel
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