Example sentences of "[adj] to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To an anthropologist , the conscious creation of a culture by management is amusing , because all human groups have culture by nature , and these systems of values and beliefs are shaped by experience , tradition , class position , and political circumstances — all powerful forces that are extremely refractory to directed change , particularly by occasional committee .
2 Pouchitis usually responds well to treatment with antibiotics , but in a small subset of cases the inflammation is clinically severe , endoscopically atypical , and relatively refractory to conventional treatment .
3 Patients with complex partial epilepsy refractory to medical treatment , and who had been assessed for epilepsy surgery , were studied between April , 1989 and October , 1992 .
4 Although there are several possible explanations for these findings as reviewed by Skaer ( 1981 ) , it is possible that some α-granules may remain refractory to secretory stimuli .
5 You 'll be faster , less bothersome to other parties , and wo n't spend the whole climb in mortal fear of tripping up on your own rope !
6 Of course , it may be objected that the very notion of an ‘ art-object ’ is a cultural construct peculiar to certain traditions , but that notion is so deeply embedded in Western culture that it is difficult to dismiss it .
7 Adoption can be seen as the logical answer to infertility , but as Brebner et al ( 1985 ) point out , if medical investigations/treatment for infertility fail and are performed without adequate psychological support , the subsequent depression and disappointment can cause couples to jump at adoption without recognising those aspects of parenthood which are peculiar to adoptive parenthood , which include : having to be assessed and monitored ; absence of pregnancy and birth ; becoming attached to a child born to someone else ; having to tell the child he or she is adopted .
8 Despite this reassuring message from history that disruptive behaviour is not an event peculiar to contemporary education and recent evidence that there has been no dramatic increase in such behaviour , it has to be acknowledged that anxiety about disruptive behaviour has increased .
9 One feature that is peculiar to criminal justice agencies in England and Wales is the extent to which they are encouraged to exercise discretion under conditions of low visibility and subject to minimal restraint on the part of other bodies .
10 Moscovici uses the concept in a particular sense when he argues that social representations are peculiar to modern societies , for they are a ‘ specifically modern social phenomenon ’ ( 1984 : 952–3 ) .
11 This marking-out to get an impression of the finished feature is not peculiar to concrete pools , for it will be realized that any pool made with a material that the gardener can mould to suit his whim can be assessed this way before excavations begin .
12 The cynical reader will suggest that these tactics are not peculiar to developing countries .
13 Such ambiguities , of course , are not peculiar to recent history .
14 Out in the street , the night air was warm , velvety with that mauvish softness peculiar to Mediterranean evenings .
15 Yet this is not a problem peculiar to special education .
16 Being peculiar to natural language , gender is of particular interest .
17 That means grimy super-realist lyrics rendered on the wild side in a predictably debauched drawl ; sparse , uneasy music pricked by the ghosts of previous drug mythologists Lou Reed , Nick Cave , Nico and The Jesus And Mary Chain ; and the mix of self-pity and ‘ you do n't know how hard it was ’ self-righteousness peculiar to cleaned-up addicts .
18 This is both the ‘ dear deceit ’ which goes back centuries and the curse peculiar to modern-day society .
19 And this attitude is explained by the " sublime metaphysical illusion " peculiar to theoretical man , his " unshakable faith " that by rational thought he can penetrate the depths of existence and even correct existence itself .
20 The differentiation of the parties ' approaches also takes account of variations in government/opposition roles , the influence of key personalities , the interpretation of socialist ideology , attitudes towards national sovereignty and supranationalism , the influence of geographic considerations , and distinctive historical legacies peculiar to particular societies .
21 In order to determine whether this cleavage of ( AT ) n is peculiar to isolated regions of alternating AT we have studied the cleavage of several other fragments containing canonical bleomycin cleavage sites ( GY and GA ) flanked by blocks of ( AT ) n .
22 A problem peculiar to statistical analysis is the existence of missing values in data due , for example , to unexpected death of an animal or human subject , refusal of a respondent to answer all questions or even clerical carelessness .
23 His head was nearly bald , his full mouth had that loose-lipped look peculiar to ageing men , and his startling green eyes were now watery-looking .
24 Writing shortly after the end of the war , Roger Manvell spoke of a ‘ cinematic poetry peculiar to British films ’ while Dilys Powell suggested that the films made during the war had ‘ set the English film on the path in which masterpieces may be created . ’
25 It was not so much that the match was any more frantic or violent than usual , but rather that there were in evidence throughout the afternoon , a lot of faces quick to register those expressions which used to be peculiar to spoiled infants whose worn-out parents had cracked and dared to cross their wills .
26 However when using this the circuit was prone to electrostatic hum pickup .
27 The writing is straightforward and generally very accessible , although it is sometimes prone to metaphorical entanglements in discussions of the big picture , Spider lovers will enjoy an amazing abundance of spidery puns ; the title is only the beginning .
28 She would have respected Simon Copley more if he had been less prone to venial selfishness , less preoccupied with his physical comfort , but this she told herself was probably the result of fifty years of spoiling by a devoted wife .
29 Unanimity could not necessarily have been guaranteed , the world of sports writing being as prone to subjective whims and self-protecting egos as any other field of creative endeavour , despite its genuine air of rough-hewn camaraderie .
30 These explanations see the delinquent individual as inherently more prone to criminal behaviour than the non-delinquent .
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