Example sentences of "[adj] in [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Encourage the visitors to ask questions , if they are newcomers to the neighbourhood conversation about whether they have settled in and met the neighbours and general chat about shops , buses , doctors and dentists again show that you are human and interested in them as people .
2 The consensus that emerged about the teachers who had mattered to them was neither that they were strict nor that they were liberal , but simply that they were interested in them as people .
3 So many of Hardy 's girls are people who 've had a little bit of education , and who are somehow or other caught between traditional ways and modern ways , and I think one has the feeling that Hardy is more interested in the sociologically transitional status of the people he 's writing about than he is interested in them as people .
4 In the end , he adopted the role of ‘ cockney writer ’ , a role which was genuine , and which showed the boys that Corrigan was interested in them for themselves .
5 Prince William , Prince Harry , they 're only interested in her as a breeding machine .
6 Never , by look or gesture or word , had he given her the slightest justification for thinking that he might be interested in her as a person .
7 Yes , she 'd been worried about Nicolo 's intentions , but he 'd gone out of his way to tell her — to show her — that he was n't the least bit interested in her as a woman .
8 The story is not interested in her for herself .
9 He told me about Midge when he got back to London and I called him from the shop one Saturday , telling him we 'd be interested in him as a singer .
10 Finding out about your client provides opportunities for talking to him in a relaxed and warm manner and for showing that you are interested in him as a person .
11 And was it defensible to live with a man because I was physically in love with him and also interested in him as an individual , if I was so suspicious of him ?
12 But you — you are not interested in him in that way ? ’
13 When his initial interest waned , the teacher paid no more attention to him : ‘ Then I realized what he was interested in me for and we ended up just walking past each other , completely ignoring each other . ’
14 I had foolishly allowed myself to imagine that you might be interested in me as a person , even to the extent of being a little jealous of Lieutenant Lapointe .
15 ‘ I thought you were interested in me as a person , interested in what I felt and believed .
16 ‘ When I came for interview they seemed very interested in me as an individual , and gave me a very thorough and in-depth interview .
17 Mortimer seemed to be so supportive , he seemed really interested in me as a friend , he believed in my design abilities … but then it all changed , it was like a nightmare .
18 ‘ Interested ? ’ she queried huskily , and , trying desperately to get to grips with herself — he could n't mean ‘ interested ’ interested , could be ? — ‘ You mean , interested in me as a journalist ? ’ she just had to find out more .
19 Not that any man would be interested in me with a handicap like Mum .
20 because of the look of it , when in fact that 's only part of it it depends whether he 's gon na be motivated there , they mo it 's not gon na need much motivation but if people are interested in you for what you are like , like they have been , yeah , and he 's experienced all , he 's been somebody special there has n't he ?
21 And I am very interested in you as a person . ’
22 He need not be interested in it at the time when the insurance is effected .
23 Personally , I 'm mostly interested in it as a mineral specimen .
24 Essentially I use paint as a vehicle for my ideas and I 'm not interested in it for its own sake .
25 People were interested in it for about five minutes .
26 It 's a bunch of people , Universities , Publishers , erm some funding from Central Government , some from er research councils of various kinds are trying to make a sort of record of current usage of the English language and I think Longmans are intr interested in it for example f from the point of view of dictionaries and stuff like that .
27 Primitive art may have confirmed them in their desire to achieve a greater directness of expression , but they remained interested in it from a visual point of view .
28 And er , on the other side , the , the people interested in it in the social sciences , erm , did n't particularly like it , because , at that time , they were heavily dominated by er , Marxist and people on the left .
29 And finally just in terms of er public transport , I think it 's fair to say that there there 's probably little in it between them all because they 're all very poorly served by public transport .
30 ( Stimulus A of fig. 5.10 might be said to be enriched , if only a little , by virtue of its ability to evoke the image of X. ) The differentiation theory , in contrast , holds that ‘ percepts change over time by progressive elaboration of qualities , features and dimensions of variation ’ ( Gibson and Gibson 1955 , p. 34 ) , that is , by an elaboration of aspects of the stimulus that are present in it from the outset .
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