Example sentences of "[adj] and it seem " in BNC.

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1 But then the weather changed and although things were given and flowering it was cold and windy and it seemed strange there should be all that blossom , wrong like , as if it had made a mistake and popped up at the wrong time — that was because I had felt the warmth of those few nice days .
2 They were originally intending to work in Zaire , but the situation is still somewhat unstable and it seems that the time is not quite right for them to go there .
3 ‘ But the language of our Parliament is English and it seems only right that any hospitality I give should be in English too . ’
4 Also , academic life had not exactly left me well-off and it seemed like a good idea to try to earn a slightly larger salary so that I would have something to put towards my eventual retirement .
5 Knee and hip joints were creaking and it seemed that the prophecy made by doctors forty years before , that one day my legs and hips — the war left me with a short , stiff left leg — would really begin to seize up , was about to come true .
6 I do n't know where the name came from it , it , it 's , it 's , it 's simple and it seemed to work erm
7 But initial reactions are n't always right and it seems to me that people are split down the middle .
8 When I joined the NCT , like most members , I did so because I wanted the best antenatal classes possible and it seemed that I would have the chance to meet new mothers and make new friends after the birth too .
9 " You were upset and it seemed simpler to see you both together , but I will now give you information about all the bequests and tell you what I have arranged about probate and death duties . "
10 The trade in value of this set up is amazingly ( to me ! ) low and it seems to me that all ( all ? )
11 If , of course , her grief becomes prolonged and it seems that she is making no headway towards adjustment , it will be advisable for her to see her doctor , but this rarely happens .
12 The Lycett & Conaty radial gear had not proved satisfactory and it seems that ‘ Warner ’ radial gear was obtained from M & G Truck & Engineering Co. to replace it by 1912 , but was not fitted to the cars until 1922 or 1923 .
13 Although relatively unsophisticated , this method is reasonably fast and it seems to work satisfactorily where the target units are much larger than the source units
14 Peel told the NME : ‘ The Wedding Present 's virtues are that they make records which are direct and uncomplicated and it seems that these are now being regarded as vices in some quarters . ’
15 Competition is cut-throat and it seems some of the designers have been taking some dodgy tabs ( or suffering from over-worked stress syndrome ) , as the high-top becomes more and more ridiculous .
16 This interest has kept the Mannheimian tradition alive if not exactly thriving and it seems as if every few years there is a revival of interest .
17 At first sight , the filter circuit may appear conventional but the presence of the diode D1 is unconventional and it seems as though it is going to be switched off all the time anyway , the anode ( a ) always being at zero potential .
18 It is 3.5″ long x 1.5″ wide x 2″ deep and it seems to be made of brown Bakalite ( like the old radios were made of ) .
19 Sometimes , these pictures can be quite discouraging and it seems that there 's no way that we be anything like these men and women .
20 Whether they had been worked at some preceding date is a matter of no little conjecture but is unlikely and it seems that the miners from Keswick started there in 1599 .
21 Its mouth was open and it seemed to be grinning at him .
22 ‘ Aberdeen crematorium is well run and efficient and it seemed natural to open our doors and explain to the public exactly what goes on during this most important ceremony . ’
23 Certainly my childhood was thrifty and it seemed dreary .
24 It is sometimes argued that direct persuasion applied by A to B not to perform his contract is itself the procurement of breach by unlawful means , but the argument is circular and it seems better simply to say that in this form of the tort no use of unlawful means is required .
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