Example sentences of "[adj] and [vb past] that " in BNC.

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1 Despite this she continued to wheeze daily and thought that her inhalers were of no benefit .
2 After some years of struggling anxiously with the knotty complexities of Catholic devotion before the reforms of the Second Vatican Council , I found The Cloud of Unknowing 's stark insistence on the one thing necessary deeply liberating and felt that a weight had fallen from my shoulders .
3 She absorbed influences around her indiscriminately , like blotting paper , and was so busy , strident and involved that she could never draw back to see things as they really were .
4 Both sides of the compartment were lined with machinery and metal boxes so crushed and mangled that their original function was incomprehensible .
5 I found your recent article ‘ A new discipline ’ on marketing in the Nineties ( MW December 6 ) extremely interesting and felt that it raised a number of important issues .
6 He was still convinced that there was something wrong and said that he had noticed some urethral discharge first thing in the morning and also a slight ‘ tingle ’ when he first passed urine in the day .
7 The Court of Appeal , however , thought the acquittals wrong and declared that it was not going to ‘ compound the error ’ by quashing the convictions .
8 They concluded that the level of violence was high and reported that , in a period of only one year , 59 per cent of women had experiences of violence .
9 On one occasion we bought two from a toothless ancient , whose family claimed he was a hundred and twenty years old and boasted that he had killed a hundred and forty men in his day .
10 Indeed , if neglected , a dog 's coat may become so tangled and matted that the poor creature will have to be anaesthetized in order to restore its coat to a good condition .
11 The Company was not really interested and explained that their powers had long since lapsed and costly new Parliamentary Powers would be needed .
12 The proprietor of Bordon undertakers Thorne-Leggatt , David Leggatt , was unconvinced and agreed that the independent sector would probably not partake in it .
13 She seemed embarrassed and muttered that her mother had given Terry the photograph , but before she said any more Mrs Redmond began to ask Joe about the war news .
14 He afterwards thought this refusal very foolish and regretted that he did not go .
15 When Mark returned with a large wooden and discovered that it floated , he looked up and a slow smile crept over his face as he said , ‘ It 's a trick ! ’
16 Athelstan was pleased to see that it was empty and insisted that this time he should be host .
17 They both enthused over my new look and I became weepy and wailed that I could n't keep them .
18 This position as ‘ also attending ’ in the daily panoply of style was not for want of effort : ‘ the Dedicated Follower of Fashion ’ was no sartorial doormat ; but it was acceptable and expected that the female , complete with which ever secondary sexual characteristic was currently ‘ in ’ , should be the object of absolute scrutiny .
19 However , the concert party folded before we had had more than a few ragged rehearsals , mainly because Bob 's girlfriend , a tall , bossy Waaf who fancied herself as another Vera Lynn , suddenly went all narrow-minded and decreed that if there was to be a chorus line , we were not to show our legs but to wear slacks .
20 She knew he was being evasive and sensed that in some way he was trying to protect her .
21 She went up to the dormitory , where she found her school friends , anxious and exulting over her delay , grieved and relieved that her sortie had escaped detection ; they gathered round her , perched on the bed , drawing cosily round themselves the striped dusty coarse hooped curtains on their brass poles , and they listened to her story .
22 An engineer 's report had condemned the spire as dangerous and said that it must be dismantled .
23 Some books become such classics that they run on into innumerable editions and impressions , with the original so much extended , altered and corrected that there is scarcely a vestige of it left .
24 The first time my mother had been indignant and remarked that Syl had no right to disappear for the evening without telling us where he was going .
25 He saw Olga Stych go off to church an hour early and deduced that she must be helping with some small church chore before the service .
26 How was it possible that in a single fraction of a second , and for the very first time , she discovered a motion of the arm and body so perfect and polished that it resembled a finished work of art ?
27 ‘ I was so nervous and fatigued that I could n't concentrate .
28 The Governors considered the job description too vague and asked that it be made precise .
29 His face was so dark and wizened that he reminded Corbett of a monkey he had once seen in the royal menagerie in the Tower of London .
30 Brian 's body was so badly mutilated and charred that the pathologists could not determine the exact cause or time of death .
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