Example sentences of "[adj] and [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This was risky and proved to be an extremely ill-advised tactic .
2 She had long given up the tussle with French and lapsed into straight English ( which Therese , damn it , was supposed to understand ) .
3 She was anxious , for no such thing has ever happened to her before , her memory was always clear and rounded as a bell-note and utterly reliable .
4 The woman was hurled clear and fell onto her side near the horse 's flanks .
5 The sky was clear and studded with stars , The three-quarter moon lit a silver path across the inky water .
6 Councillor Norman Murray said that the signal to unsocial tenants should be quite clear and had to be backed up with swift and firm action .
7 But she still held the gun and , as Kellerman turned on her , Donna shook her head clear and fired at him .
8 He found it and clung there for a while , then pushed clear and knelt among the waves , head lowered .
9 He wiped them clear and peered inside the smoking gap .
10 It was a dazzling Saturday afternoon , and the park was full of contented people : children stood knicker-deep in bliss , stroking the paddling-pool as if it were some great tame animal ; attendant mothers soaked in the sun ; lovers were prone and entranced on the grass .
11 the complexity of company records , which are not only subject to mysterious , ( but relief-bringing ) disappearances down the corporation vortex , but when occasionally discovered are often so specialized and riddled with technical jargon that the average jurist finds them unintelligible — naturally corporate lawyers render them intelligible in ways which favour their clients ;
12 In tests with intragastric administration of bFGF , the peptide was dissolved in 1 ml of saline and instilled into the stomach via the cannula of the gastric fistula and the fistula was closed for 30 minutes .
13 The slides were then washed in phosphate buffered saline and incubated with a 1:300 dilution of biotinylated anti-mouse antibody ( Dakopatts , Denmark ) .
14 She was jumpy and had at one point been startled by her own shadow .
15 It was the flotsam and jetsam of every seaside gift shop , the debris of 10 million suburban mantelpieces , but blown up to epic proportions , made mythic and crafted by European artisans to Koons 's instructions .
16 Yvonne was slim and muscled in shorts and T-shirt .
17 The strange brooding power and expectation in some of Moore 's statues is this emotion , carved and chiselled into stone .
18 The hammer-blow force of the lethal chungdan ap-chagi foot-strike , catapulted Baal 's body up and over in a backward flip , his rib-cage crushed and imploded into his ruptured lungs .
19 A combination of the country 's high external debt and recently introduced liberal economic policies has severely increased the numbers of unemployed and led to mass migration from rural to urban areas .
20 This move of resources into the community was entirely unplanned and arose from local initiatives .
21 And he was ever so pleased — puffed and strutted like Joe Brown had a serious rival .
22 He prepared the altar for Mass , opened the-door and waited for the small trickle of his congregation to enter .
23 His eyes were brown and dulled by drugs , his temperature , and anxiety .
24 If an operation went wrong and resulted in a scandal because one of their agents had been caught in the act there was no one in Russia who would criticise .
25 Unfortunately the rapport I had built up with the director was wasted , as the commercial he was working on went wrong and had to be done again , so I met my new director over a pie and a pint in my local before shooting started .
26 I would have got the answer wrong and plumped for the gin riots .
27 Her anguished voice made her mother realise something was seriously wrong and dashed to the family home in Spennymoor , County Durham .
28 ‘ I knew they had gone wrong and shouted at them to stop , ’ said Nicholson on welcoming back his winner .
29 Each had a feather-plumed bonnet and the filabeg , the small plaid , heavy wool an arm 's length wide and four arm-spans long , pleated and belted at the waist , the free end swung up and pinned over the shoulder of his saffron-dyed shirt .
30 We 've had four three-legged dogs over the years : Bless-her , who was born with a hind leg missing ; Belle whose front leg was amputated at seven weeks because of a ligament problem ; Tulley , a road accident victim who came to us at nine months old and fought for 18 months to keep his damaged front leg .
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