Example sentences of "[adj] and [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Also appointed commercial director , Coatings Europe , and head of Marine and Yacht worldwide .
2 Born in India , brought up mainly in France and speaking both French and German perfectly , he thought seriously as a young man of entering Habsburg service and married an American , while his brother took a Russian wife , one of the Nelidov family which was prominent in tsarist diplomacy .
3 I do n't think ageing and beauty really have anything to do with each other .
4 There is , in a sense , an ideology of scepticism within clearly defined boundaries and as old men die out of the system and younger ones join it the tradition becomes cumulative and socially-constructed rather than just an individual matter .
5 ‘ Both groups tend to be calm and function well under pressure .
6 Be calm and firm throughout so that there is no question of the dog interpreting your anger as excitement , and striving to obtain more attention by this means .
7 Increasingly the Prime Minister is regarded by many swing voters as unconstructive and isolationist rather than a determined defender of British interests .
8 I stopped smoking and campaign openly to prevent others .
9 I went for a couple of terms in 1986 and gained a different perspective on drawing which helped me look more deeply at my subject and see light and shade differently .
10 I went for a couple of terms in 1986 and gained a different perspective on drawing which helped me look more deeply at my subject and see light and shade differently .
11 During the selection process berries are bounced along shaking conveyor belts which are crossed with four inch high wooden barriers — they must be fresh and firm enough to bounce over the boards .
12 But now , Ungaro 's sexy mixes , combined with his tight silhouette , look fresh and fun again .
13 The land was not flat now but undulating , rising no more than a few feet in various shades of brown and gold as far as the eye could see .
14 Although I was still interested in English , I found both Latin and Greek increasingly tedious : they were my father 's choice for me , not mine .
15 The astonished reptile released its grip just long enough for Laba to break free and stagger off down the track — with the serpent in hot pursuit apparently loudly vocalizing with the same sibilant barks which we were later to hear ourselves while filming a python hunt .
16 But why was it so damp and cold here then ?
17 The canons erected this burly structure at the close of the 12th century , and gained isolation both to recite their offices and perhaps to escape from damp and cold below ; a wide staircase and a gentle gradient took them through the thickness of the N wall .
18 This photograph is part of an exhibition by Toby Glanville of British and French traditionally food producers .
19 You 're going to have to leave in the clothes you 're wearing , and ‘ t was damned wet and cold out there when I arrived earlier . ’
20 At the same time , formal sector employment , never very large , has fallen some 10 per cent since the mid-1970s because of economic stagnation , and the informal sector is now overcrowded and income therefore low .
21 Enquiries were made of the National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic where , however , there was a lengthy waiting list .
22 Mark Garner , a consultant with the channel 's parent company , Continental Television , said : ‘ The extra three nights will have films in Italian , German and French instead of English but it should n't be a problem for British viewers because dialogue is n't our strong point . ’
23 His father having died when he was four , Morel was raised by his mother , who quarrelled with her French relatives , changed her name to Deville , and taught English and music so as to be able to send him to be educated at Madras House , Eastbourne , and Bedford Modern School , until her failing health forced his return to Paris at the age of fifteen to obtain paid employment in a bank .
24 Languages : Somali and Arabic ; English and Italian widely spoken .
25 Languages : Somali and Arabic ; English and Italian widely spoken .
26 There are , for example , so far in maths , science , English and technology alone , no less than 14,910 potential separate considerations of statements of attainment for a group of thirty children from level one to level five .
27 Put another way , each teacher is required to monitor and record for each child , within the primary sector , progress under the attainment targets in maths , science , English and technology alone , no less than 497 separate differentiated statements of attainment for each child .
29 For the Church of God 's frozen people this is the Pathway to Power , individual and Church alike are Gathered For Power .
30 The standard way to think of the manager-employee relationship is again as principal and agent respectively though as we will see shortly , the relationship can be reversed .
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