Example sentences of "[adj] and [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was strange that this wild young man settled down to an exemplary career as a Marine and on retirement became a probation officer .
2 Exeter has Norman transeptal towers ( an unusual design ) and many cathedrals have Romanesque central towers — Winchester , S. Albans and Tewkesbury — while a number of abbeys , ruined and in use , have Norman remains , for example Fountains , Buildwas , Leominster ( 405 ) and Malmesbury ( 413 ) .
3 The words we use to describe our services should be clear and without jargon .
4 The wording is very clear and in view of the dicta in the Vestey decision and the major shift in the approach to be adopted to that section — restricting the same to the settlor and his spouse and taking into account the provisions of TA 1988 , s740 — it is felt that the Revenue will have to concede this point unless they change the law ( in which case one would have to watch very carefully what was said in Parliament to see how the change is to have effect ! ) .
5 What precisely was entailed in oversight was not made clear and in practice the control of the school , its aims , policies and methods of teaching was left to the headteacher .
6 Recalling the turbulent 21–21 Centenary draw between B.C. and Wales ‘ B ’ in 1989 , one of the best crowds in years was on hand to see Swansea , workmanlike and without doubt the fitter of the two teams , win by two points with a goal , a try and two penalties to a goal , a drop goal and two penalties .
7 In the first well the upper unit appears to be porous and by analogy with the Z2 Carbonate elsewhere the porosity is thought to be composed mainly of intergranular and intragranular pores .
8 You will feel calm and at peace with the world .
9 The tombstone was surmounted by a sculptured angel , its wings spread , arms folded in repose , face calm and at peace , Martin grasped it , pulled himself forward and glared at his adversary on the wall .
10 I felt very creative when I was pregnant , very calm and at ease and think that as a result , I produced some of the best work that I have ever done . ’
11 Perhaps we believe that others perceive us as weak and ineffectual when in reality we choose to make a stand only about those things which really matter , knowing that it often takes more strength to remain calm and in control than to meet aggression with more aggression .
12 Do not become strident ; it is critical that you appear calm and in control ( however stirred up you may feel inside ) .
13 In this position it is absolutely essential that the receptionist remains cool , calm and in control of the situation .
14 None of this showed on her face , but a certain rigidity of jaw would have betrayed to the careful watcher that perhaps she was n't quite as calm and in control as she wished to appear .
15 I ask them to visit some of the communities that I represent , from which industry has disappeared and in which it is not only the person approaching pensionable age who is unemployed and in receipt of social security benefit , but the caring young people in the family who want to do the best for their relatives .
16 A friend of mine , who was unemployed and in debt at the time , decided that he wished to attend a certain workshop in Hawaii .
17 The numbers unemployed and in education rose but a bigger change has been in the numbers on the Youth Training Scheme which was set up in 1983 .
18 Then contact me now — you 're my ideal woman I 'm 20 , rather good-looking and in need of the feminine touch .
19 In the split second he woke he felt wonderfully light and at ease , comfortable in his skin , all his limbs absolutely relaxed in the right order and oh so comfortable where they were .
20 Remember — always leave a little ventilation to keep the air fresh and for gas and coal fires to burn safely .
21 These rolls were a speciality of Baden , and the people of Zurich liked them so much that a special train used to leave Baden early every morning so that they were in Zurich fresh and in time for breakfast .
22 for the class work look at that homework I got two wrong and in science steady should be finish .
23 One bridled gilly held his head high and with effort painful to watch , gulped down a long sand eel , head first .
24 In any case rail rates were high and for coal transport the canals seemed a logical proposition , especially at a time of economic recession .
25 had been kind of , or whatever they are Mr F and then on the back it 's got for Peggy 's six foot high and under plant eighteen inches apart for high six foot plus plant two feet apart
26 The pilot of a Fuji aircraft at about 500 feet agl on finals , who believed he was number four to land , saw a Cherokee type aircraft approaching him on a collision course from his 10 o'clock ; to him the aircraft appeared to be level or slightly high and under power , and his passenger saw the Cherokee 's landing light flash .
27 The world economic system is as blind , irrational and without subject as was the former system of national economy .
28 Again , an understanding of biologically and psychologically based emotions helps us understand such social movements , many of which seem irrational and beyond explanation .
29 I am nineteen years old and at college in rural Devon , away from friends and family and the city where I spent ten years of my life .
30 So , while the GLC estimates that there are almost one million houses in London that are more than 70 years old and in need of modernisation , councils are having to give top priority to repairing more modern buildings .
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