Example sentences of "[adj] life [be] the " in BNC.

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1 A similar threat to marine life is the discharge of toxic waste into the sea .
2 Even more streamlined for marine life were the ichthyosaurs ( 'fish lizards ' ) , which , as their name implies , include species that look remarkably fish-like , although perhaps the better analogy would be with the porpoises , a group of mammals that ‘ returned to the sea ’ , and may fill a similar role in modern seas to that of the ichthyosaurs in the Jurassic .
3 A measure of the extent to which évolués were drawn into French life was the fact that President Houphouet-Boigny of the Ivory Coast was previously a member of five successive French cabinets during the 1950s .
4 The hub of the City 's cultural life is the Royal Centre .
5 The third defect of this simple form of social life is the inefficiency of the diffuse social pressure by which the rules are maintained .
6 Their only rule of religious , moral and social life was the Law of Moses as found in the first five books of the Old Testament ( called the Pentateuch or the Torah ) .
7 The central feature of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century social life was the tertulia — the group of relations or friends who gathered regularly to talk in the evenings .
8 The character of Boiotian political and social life was the consequence of these agricultural riches : insularity .
9 A little close to the knuckle , she thought sometimes , this tale of shopgirl turned Duchess … ( real life was the highly moral tale of a Yorkshire chainstore-owner 's daughter , likely , before 1897 was out , to become a Viscountess … ) .
10 Isabelle says part of the reason for her previous reluctance to speak of their personal life is the rough handling they experienced at the hands of the French press , with their sarcastic digs at Eric 's love of painting and poetry .
11 The monastic life was the subject on which Anselm could speak with widely recognized authority and with the power of deep personal experience .
12 As we have seen , ardent friendship and commitment to the monastic life were the most frequently intertwining subjects of his years at Bec .
13 Thus , the true nature of psychological life is the ‘ refiguring ’ of the world of fact as story and the person as a figure in it .
14 The only sign of human life was the beacon light at the end of the pier which skirted the entrance to Sharpness docks , a mile or so downstream .
15 My hydroponic life was the only kind with which I was happy , a gypsy trait from my Viking ancestry .
16 Most fellows would have dined in college on most nights , whether they were married or not ; and the huge majority were still bachelors for whom the celibate life was the norm .
17 Helping the less able in society to lead an independent life is the key principle .
18 Washington 's career went from strength to strength in the '40s and '50s , but her private life is the stuff of folklore .
19 Shiona watched it , reflecting that the reason for her sensitivity was that her private life was the only area of her existence that gave her absolutely no satisfaction at all .
20 The optimists point out that the most substantial progress in Russian political life was the establishment of the Duma monarch ( 1906-1914 ) , the closest Russia got to a constitutional Government .
21 The primary task that de Gaulle set for himself in 1944 and to which he devoted the rest of his political life was the reconstitution of the French state into a state that could unite the nation , mobilize its energies , provide vigorous leadership , and stabilize France 's erratic course through the twentieth century .
22 Tracing and , where possible , explaining changes over time in these fundamental features of economic life is the major task .
23 The fossils that have most effectively captured the public 's attention as symbols of the outlandish character of prehistoric life are the dinosaurs .
24 Another writer of the fourteenth century who has helped my spiritual life is the anonymous author of the Cloud of Unknowing , another early devotional book in English .
25 The options of married life and spiritual life were the only ones open to us .
26 The nucleus of communal life was the central market place , where the crossroads dividing the ‘ quadrants ’ met , a fact finally recognised by Bishop Story 's magnificent market cross of 1501 .
27 Could it not be said the overwhelming factor of modern life is the apathy amongst the majority of its members , which should engender concern regarding the way government is designed ?
28 The most obvious sign of the Diana 's new life was the sight of her Scotland Yard bodyguard who was seated at a nearby table .
29 Today , one of the fundamental Church requirements of the Religious Life is the call to continual spiritual renewal .
30 Now the authority of the community was carried by the Sanhedrin they brought him to what is what they accepted as a trial erm they 'd assessed that something was going against their structures , and as I 've already said religious life was the most important thing he 'd broken it seems a religious law and the council the court the gathering together of the seventy members of the Sanhedrin were going to in a serious sort of way check this out , check this accusation out .
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