Example sentences of "[adj] man was [art] " in BNC.

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1 Of course primitive man was a sun worshipper .
2 He then goes on to say that after her death he loved her more than when she was alive — this leads us into a trap , for we begin to feel that the old man was a ghoulish sentimentalist .
3 The Old Man was a medieval carved head which formed the keystone of the door into the old school , formerly St. Paul 's Church .
4 There are old men still up there who say , ‘ Your old man was a wonderful five-eighth , but he used to come the knuckle . ’
5 The old man was a cripple and in the last years of his life .
6 And you 're supposed to be down here finding out whether some crazy old man was a double .
7 ‘ The old man was a damn good listener when it suited him and he knew the right questions .
8 The old man was a cracked leather bottle trying to contain quicksilver .
9 This cool dark-suited man was a stranger .
10 It was this that led them to postulate an original state of affairs in which a hypothetical , pre-human , pre-cultural Natural Man was a cow-like creature , without society and without language , living in the wild in a Garden of Eden forest .
11 This remarkable man was a loyal supporter of the BDDA all his life and none more worthy could have been chosen to hold the fort as President .
12 According to tribal legend , the first Nez Perce to encounter a white man was a woman called Watkuweis , meaning ‘ Returned from a Faraway Country ’ .
13 A spokesman for Tyne Tees Coastguards confirmed that the missing man was a member of Newbiggin lifeboat crew — one of the lifeboats taking part in the search off Whitby , North Yorkshire .
14 The key virtue was self-reliance ; the admirable man was the self-made man ; the goal was to be your own boss .
15 The fact that the 79-year-old man was the oldest man standing trial for murder this century was an extra ingredient of interest .
16 Maybe this big black-haired man was a policeman ?
17 The really heroic man was the one who practised chastity as a young man .
18 A one-armed man was no use .
19 This young man was a bull looking for a china shop .
20 ‘ Her young man was a soldier , was n't he ? ’
21 ‘ If we make comparisons , Montgomery was a staff captain when this young man was a brigadier general .
22 The young man was an obvious don .
23 ( The young man was an Austrian of half-Jewish descent called Ludwig Wittgenstein , see chapter seven . )
24 Hearing that the young man was the only son of a gentleman of wealth , the money-lender begged of him never to hesitate in coming to him again whenever he stood in need of a ‘ friend ’ .
25 The young man was the star of his own story .
26 That young man was the sort to fly high , having cut his teeth so to speak , on — what was it ?
27 The new man was a Danuese , Monsignor Teixeira .
28 Durkheim , Claudia 's inspiration , said at the beginning of the century that the problem for twentieth-century western man was the anomie created by the breakdown of the old certainties .
29 It was the conclusion of the police that the dead man was a practitioner of some obscure religion .
30 His servant came to pack his clothes , and while he was doing this , he told Dorian that the dead man was a sailor , but no one knew his name .
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