Example sentences of "[adj] erm [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 What I 'd like say with these guys there 's no right or wrong style , there 's no good or bad , we 're all different erm and we f we 're all a combination of each as well .
2 I I think erm a a as you 've kindly called me er I think I will try and make this debate a little more lively erm but I 'm not sure about being controversial er because here I was last week , I was making a speech about the significance of er the deregulation of contracting out bill and er I said then that the bill is so important because it is the first major attempt by government to slay the red tape dragon .
3 Erm anybody who 's who 's interested erm if you 'd like to ask for a leaflet aft at the end of the session because the main thing is that you do have to take advantage of this while you are still employed in reckonable service .
4 The other criteria just simply ones that common to an an enabling erm that we see everyday of of the week in in other structure plans .
5 erm the women that I talk to in groups up and down this county , I think some are angrier than they were , some are feel more empowered erm if they have if they 've had these sorts of experiences that I was talking about earlier .
6 th th the building went ahead and people every year or two sometimes twice in a year get flooded and they get sewages the the sewer with the volume of rain water they ca n't otherwise get away , but it brings to light what happens i i i in the ditches and , and the waterways that are spread across the direction of Airport and then out into the river when the tide is low because the switches close when the tide comes in and basically er and this is up to date information the information that I have is that the channels are the responsibility of the er you know responsibilities are either kept cleared or not clogged up and in connection with the , with the incident I , I did hear it said that in , in a place where once said it usually counts that possibly and more than the that the first flood was due because the drains and the ditches could n't take the volume of water after they were cleared and things have been pretty reasonable erm since that time , so it would seem to confirm what , what I have to say about keeping clear erm but it may be that authorities that were n't responsible had the job of cleaning them , I do n't know .
7 Erm I do n't think we have any real difficulty with dealing with an extra erm as I calculate it around about fifty acres .
8 Now in the old we had er quite a reasonable scheme on this actual erm but you see , about ten years ago I think it was , there was another estate built on to , it 's called and although at that time we made the strongest possible representation for improvements and traffic calming in which is the only road that goes in and nothing was done .
9 As far as the death grant goes , erm for a pensioner that would only be payable erm if somebody actually died within year of leaving pensionable service , due to ill health , and they were not in receipt of an infirmity pension .
10 Er he was but er his wife is deceased erm but I understand he has remarried recently .
11 Oh , younger men are more likely to use coarser tones and be more explicit erm although they would n't use those sort terms to their father or elder men , and the women are more likely to use euphemisms like Spend a penny , Powder your nose and things like that .
12 whereas the white line is But if you look into the headlights it can be not dark erm but it appears to be dark because
13 Down at about a thousand units erm you er b between ten thousand and a thousand units er you 'd suffer the symptoms of radiation sickness erm your hair would drop out and your teeth would drop out and you 'd vomit and your skin would turn a funny shade of green and and you 'd be very ill erm but you , you 'd probably recover er you might not but you , you , I mean people have actually had those sort of doses of radiation and have actually recovered er from it .
14 Erm sometimes I do find being in Harlow very hard erm and there 's a lot of unemployment , there 's a lot of depression , there are a lot of one parent families and er the children ha er in one family they 've all got different dads
15 Okay that 's fine erm so you 're already even when you 're differentiating
16 So this On on these general points like this you could pick up quite a few marks , but a lot of the questions are not that technical erm and they 're stuff that you do know .
17 Er and if he 'd of walked up to John two minutes later he probably would n't have made it because we had a right erm but we did feel there had to be some initials .
18 So far as my honourable friend er is concerned he is right erm and we indeed suggested that the staff federation should be affiliated to the council of civil service trade unions to enable staff who belong to the federation to gain access to the facilities available to unions affiliated to the C C S U. Sadly , sadly the civil service unions did not feel able to accept this proposal .
19 Erm we feel that er in that circumstance the proposals should be retrospective erm and we find the Good Committees er comment on this singularly unhelpful , in that all they say is we do not accept that retrospective implementation of the compensation scheme is appropriate full stop .
20 although he must be sixty odd erm and it 's obviously a very difficult time for him .
21 But , but her place she had erm it was unfurnished erm but it was fantastic .
22 You , you apologized for lateness the only thing I wonder on there is er you know it 's ea it 's easy enough to say that you did n't actually sort of clarify the time that you were gon na be there , you just accepted that you were late erm but I mean that 's a you know ju just a point I wonder that rather than apologizing straight of all , straight , straight away if you knew you were late then that was one thing that perhaps you could 've got that in the initial greeting .
23 Oh well that 's fine er I mean Howard 's concept is absolutely brilliant erm and it ca it makes our assign our consultants very happy .
24 And erm he actually , he , he started off and , and was very nervous but the summing up of it was , was brilliant erm and I , I would n't put it across as well as what he did but the principle of it was that he , he suddenly turned round and said right I have now changed my job , right , you are now looking at the new managing director of Friends Provident , he says , and the first thing I am going to do is I 'm cutting all your wages to eighty five pounds a week , what are you going to do about it ?
25 Erm I like doing water colour painting and I 've been on two holidays down in Cornwall and I 've done that and that 's very relaxing erm and it seems , you seem to forget about everything else , and that 's quite good fun er but erm obviously if it rains all your , all your colours get washed away , but that 's good fun .
26 It , it is a serious problem , I mean the area at the moment between east of Saltdean , erm Telscombe Cliffs , erm through to the east end of Peacehaven , is in the process of being protected by a seawall and an undercliff walk , rather like the area from erm Black Rock in Brighton through to Saltdean , because the rate of retreat of the cliffs there was so great erm that it would very shortly be threatening the houses on the clifftop at Peacehaven , so that erm a lot of money 's having to be spent to stop the erosion of the cliffs along that stretch .
27 However I might be able to get erm the copy that I Eddie 's copy is n't entirely legal erm and I got it for him .
28 That 's an er an expenses form and you know bring this information with you to the in-house course , the three days in-house erm because they 'll ask you for that at the end of .
29 I was ruled out of order , I erm I there were point out then that twenty five new councillors and I understand it was n't legitimate if I wanted to restrict the vote only to those twenty five so that the rest of you would actually realise that this has gone on far too long , I only put that as a I think it is very , very important erm that we break new ground .
30 Your worships , er , there 's nothing at all more sinister in the failure to stop and failure to report than than that , i th that is a a true record of the er er er of the incident as far as Mrs was concerned erm and it is something which erm comes about an accident which came about probably through the inexperience of the children er , running across the pedestrian crossing thinking that they have priority erm and not having regard to other road users er , and Mrs was travelling at slow speed but it was she was put in a difficult position by the the way in which the children ran across the road .
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