Example sentences of "[adj] national [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 ROBERT OWEN , a largely unconsidered left-hander from Avon , became a surprise semi-finalist in the British National Championships for the second successive year at Newcastle yesterday .
2 The European championship will be run in two heats over the weekend and the Sunday racing will include the British national championship for classes one , two , three and cruiser .
3 The European championship will be run in two heats over the weekend and the Sunday racing will combine the British national championship for classes one , two , three and cruiser .
4 In describing the structures of private , national and international viewdata systems and their interconnection , Martin gives a good overview of the different national standards for character sets , and of how the European ‘ levels of service ’ are trying to cater for the quality provided by the North American standards .
5 5.3 ( iii ) macroeconomic forecasts : generalised national forecasts for trends in Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) , investment , consumption and employment are produced in the UK by the National Institute for Economic and Social Research ( NIESR ) , by the Bank of England , the Henley Centre for Forecasting , the London Business School , and by stockbroking firms , other universities etc .
6 In its strategy for continuing education provision for qualified nurses in Scotland , the Scottish National Board for Nursing , Midwifery and Health Visiting accepts in principle the recommendations of a working party on continuing education and professional development for the three professions which reported in 1981 .
7 It was quite a distinct and separate Organization — though one clearly inspired by the NAPSS conference and the Victoria Press — which placed an advertisement in the Scotsman in January 1861 , a month or two after Emily Faithfull 's visit to Edinburgh.21 Describing itself as the " scottish National Institute for Promoting the Employment of Women in the Art of Printing " , it claimed the patronage of a host of " distinguished persons " , headed by the Duchess of Kent and several other noble ladies , and was supported by a list of professors , provosts , clergymen , mayors etc .
8 Centre : Scottish National Council for YMCA
9 The decline in the total number of farms in the Cantal LFA , though similar proportionally to the decline in Powys , is almost certainly more due to French national policies for improving farm structures ( including remembrement ) than to aspects of the UK 's LFA , there is much less direct official encouragement to improve agricultural structures ; rather it is the result of the way the LFA Directive is implemented , in particular the HLCA payment system .
10 An assizes court in Paris on June 15 , 1990 , sentenced Rolf Dobbertin , a German-born nuclear physicist who had worked for the French National Council for Scientific Research ( CNRS ) , to 12 years ' imprisonment for espionage for East Germany during the 10 years to January 1979 [ see p. 29786 for his arrest in 1979 and p. 33867 for his release in 1983 ] .
11 Nevertheless , American companies are interested , and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in the US and the French national centre for ocean exploration are systematically exploring the mid-Pacific ridge .
12 Jean Marie Luton , the former head of the French National Centre for Space Studies , assumed the directorship of the ESA on Oct. 1 .
13 DARREN HALL , seemingly able to run forever , won the Oracle English National Championship for the fourth time in five years at Crawley last night .
14 DARREN HALL , seemingly able to run for ever , won the Oracle English National Championship for the fourth time in five years at Crawley last night .
15 In addition to these three , there are a number of professional bodies concerned with maintaining standards of professional training , such as the English National Board for nursing , and the Royal College of Psychiatrists for doctors .
16 A statement said that the two sides — the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola ( MPLA-PT ) government and the US-backed National Union for Total Independence of Angola ( UNITA ) — should bring to the negotiating table " realistic proposals " for a period within which elections should be held .
17 In Scotland , WCUK has cemented its name in bricks and mortar by winning a top national honour for quality workmanship .
18 He added : ‘ It is very encouraging that the specification produced by the consortium has been recognised by the government as the official national specification for council tax systems .
19 Now a sixty-member national Committee for the Restoration of Monuments and Museums of Cambodia has been assembled , chaired by HRH Norodom Sihanouk .
20 ‘ is in a position to take steps under a programme arranged between the Canadian government and both Canadian national airlines for the provision of return air transportation to Canada for both the child and an accompanying adult .
21 ‘ Anti-statist ’ ideas of consumerism and individual citizen responsibility may be respectable enough , but government seems to have not much further to say — beyond a vaguely humanitarian appeal to the ‘ social market ’ : it develops as yet publicly no vision of coherent aims , no serious analysis of pressing social and economic issues , their territories and their boundaries , no perception of the system flexibility that could satisfy both ideology and the real national need for effective progress .
22 Where the , le let's say association was first formed on the thirteenth of February nineteen seven , nineteen thirty seven , so you can see by that date fifty years an established national organization for the whole of Scotland .
23 Many young Germans , with that strong national instinct for cameraderie , regarded their periods of recuperation at rest camps , set amid the glorious woods and hills of Alsace and spent in the company of those with whom they had shared the common experience of Verdun , as among the more idyllic moments of the war .
24 Madrid-based Alcatel Standard Electrica SA formed a consortium with the Spanish National Institute for Industry to win one of Spain 's most important business coups in China since the latter embarked on its programme of economic reforms in 1978 .
25 This inevitably means that any attempt to analyse macrosociological data — aggregate national statistics for levels of income and unemployment , trends in infant mortality and the like — is bound to give rise to controversy .
26 A representative national committee for religious education and welfare was set up to establish youth clubs , organise correspondence classes , distribute literature and generally to keep contact with refugee children in Christian homes , offering Jewish hospitality at times of festival or fast and preparing boys for Bar Mitzvah .
27 Entry then became based on financial rather than medical or social assessment , and in 1983 upper limits were set on supplementary benefit , resulting in a massive increase in the total national bill for supplementary benefits to people in private sector homes — from £105m in 1983 to £500m by 1986 .
28 Unlike regulations and directly effective treaty provisions , directives do contemplate intervening national measures for their implementation .
29 It has built up a solid reputation amongst user education practitioners in the USA and is now the undisputed national clearinghouse for that country .
30 That it should be other than the great national forum for political debate and decision would at first be unthinkable .
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