Example sentences of "[adj] people who would " in BNC.

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1 It was agreed that the key strategy for the next 18 months — two years was to produce a network of interested people who would be valuable both as a resource and as a means of disseminating ideas and information .
2 I know dozens of officers with their own quirks of taste , dress and behaviour and they 're just real people who 'd be incomplete without such little fads .
3 Some were elderly people who would now be housed in old people 's homes .
4 The effect of being rich is obtained by subtracting the proportion of poor people who would break the law from the proportion of rich people who would .
5 I think they needed normal people who would be in complete control of themselves , who would n't get carried away by any sadistic impulses . ’
6 HOST is looking for friendly people who would like to invite a lonely overseas student studying in Britain to spend Christmas , Easter or a weekend in their homes and experience British home life .
7 The effect of being rich is obtained by subtracting the proportion of poor people who would break the law from the proportion of rich people who would .
8 And in fact , though perhaps it is shocking to admit it , we took some advantage of this dreadful argument during the campaign : we said we did not want to bring personalities into the election , but of course it was important that members of the Council should be responsible people who would not take advantage of their ‘ special position ’ .
9 As modern , high-tech society moves on ( at whatever pace ) , it may come to rest in another equilibrium , of skills , where the qualified population is evenly balanced by an underclass of servitors : and missing is the layer of middling qualified people who would otherwise release the elite to produce innovative movement .
10 The massive stone structure has acquired a mature and acceptable appearance in these days of so much brick and concrete , and it is one of the ironies of the philosophy of conservation that the blessed bridge which Ruskin regarded as a monstrous intrusion into a beautiful natural scene should , a hundred years later , have been noisily protected from demolition by the very people who would presumably have sided with Ruskin in wishing to preserve the landscape .
11 It is often extremely awkward for people to take time off work , and it is probably the very people who would be most reluctant to lie or make excuses for their absence to their present employers who will be the best candidates from your point of view .
12 Additional knowledge is required to specify more closely the smaller proportion of troubled people who would be most susceptible to developing psychiatric disorder in the context of particular events .
13 And to show the world the meaning of faithfulness the Holy One established a prophetic people who would prefigure the restoration of human obedience and divine communion .
14 It shows that nuclear power workers are nice , middle-class people who would n't hurt the environment
15 Eventually these clubs broadened into miniature " Unity Committees " , bringing together Labour and Communist intellectuals and middle-class people who would not otherwise have exchanged views in such an organized manner .
16 The only people who would be encouraged by that would be councillors in areas such as Lambeth , Liverpool , and Lothian .
17 But CAMRA the beer drinkers pressure group says employees are n't the only people who would lose … the drinker would suffer as well
18 It is understood that the target groups for an extension of compulsion could be 18-24- year-olds and single people who would have benefits withdrawn if they refused a range of options of schemes offered to those out of work .
19 Well , we do our best or try to pass people on to other people who would know the answer .
20 So maybe maybe there could be a gipsy site where the Romanies would n't dare set foot , and it would be lots of other people who would be causing lots of problems .
21 Most of the new people who 'd be coming over in the last couple of years a lot of them would n't be coming out to our concerts yet because they would probably be into a more younger scene like the Mary Blacks , maybe or the Christian Moore or somebody like that you would be catering for a younger audience and the the second third generation would be coming out to the First to the Foster and Allens and the Daniel O'Donnells and the Brendan Shines you know .
22 I knew of young people who would rush into marriages , even parenthood , in order to further their passport and visa applications , such was their desperation to get out .
23 This popular prime-time , Sunday evening CBS network show provided Reagan for eight years with ‘ a vehicle for becoming familiar to a whole new generation of young people who would later vote for him .
24 Its leaders were often student radicals , members of groups like the SDS ( Students for a Democratic Society ) ; but the wave of protest took in many young people who would not normally have got involved in politics .
25 Wimpey is looking for five young people who would be excited by the idea of travelling to far flung destinations — like Panama , Chile or Malaysia .
26 Membership of the Begonia Society came soon after , which brought me into contact with some wonderful growers and really marvellous people who would help in giving growing tips and providing cuttings of varieties I did n't have .
27 The Kilbrandon Committee stressed the importance of training for the lay people who would become Panel Members .
28 At Worcester Crown Court , Mr Justice Mott said Pursuitte and Ellison were intelligent people who 'd set up a clever , successful and profitable drugs ring .
29 Unless the proceeds of industry were more equally distributed — putting cash in the hands of working-class people who would spend it not save it — the market for the products of industry would tend to dry up , leading to recurrent crises of over-production or , as he preferred to describe it , under-consumption .
30 Page after page , after page , after page , of descriptive material , drawn from all over the world , both published accounts , which Frazer drew on , erm , with er , kind of er , encyclopedic knowledge , but also a lot of personal contacts which he had with people like missionaries , er , colonial administrators , and even er , local people who would with descriptions and er , and facts about the things he was , he was researching .
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