Example sentences of "[adj] and you get " in BNC.

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1 Erm but some of these childrens ' addresses that we 've had at St Paul 's they are very interesting and you get something out of them .
2 Oh that juice , you know when erm they 're six weeks old and you get the bounty packs ?
3 It 's clean , it 's simple and you get away . ’
4 When you plead guilty and you get sent in on remand , then you get treated like a sentenced prisoner , because you 're guilty .
5 You get irritable at this time of night when you get tired and you get ill mannered , and I do n't like it !
6 ‘ They used to call me ‘ nigger lips ’ in high school : ‘ Oh , you 're so ugly , you 're so skinny and you got nigger lips ! ’
7 They used to call me nigger lips in high school : ‘ Oh , you 're so ugly , you 're so skinny and you got nigger lips ! ’
8 But sometimes when you 're not very well and you get very very hot you get funny dreams , I think you had a very funny dream in the middle of last night did n't you ?
9 Cos if you went to court and you was innocent and you got off , that 's it .
10 BES analyst Anthony Yadgaroff said : ‘ The best of these have already been fully-subscribed , but one exception is Close Brothers Bessa Plus where the covenant is very good and you get a minimum return of £1.25 for each £1 invested .
11 I came on a train here today from London in South Africa if you are black and you got on a train it would n't be as comfortable and there would be crowds in it but you would n't know whether you reached the other end because at some station a group of people would get on and shoot you indiscriminately , and get off again leaving that scene of massacre .
12 James Bond fantasies , you know , when things just appear and you 're just sophisticated and your hair 's in a flip and you look great and you get on your private jet .
13 Try to swap too late , hold on too long and you get assassinated and that 's it ; that 's you back to the cave with twenty other flea-bitten reduced-statures and the bright idea of bringing some fire into the cave !
14 ‘ You 're tenacious and you get at the truth .
15 More than 30 per cent overweight and unfit If you are more than 30 per cent overweight and you get puffed our easily , do little or no exercise , and consider yourself unfit , you should begin by following the recommendations gradually .
16 He does seem eager , up behind some , long as you get a right distance , too far and you get oh , they 're fighting it again , whereas you can get right up .
17 As far as putting them up too early as well I say they get all dusty and you get sick of looking at them .
18 ‘ Archery is a great tonic — quiet , non-polluting and you get your ammo back ! ’
19 and then you do a division of the one into the other and you get a figure that is smaller in the tabloids and larger in broadsheets like The Times and The Financial Times and in periodicals like the Communist and the New Statesman .
20 Too close and you get swept over the edge except that they usually have some sort of wire-mesh barrier to stop you at the last moment .
21 And then when you turn the engine off your battery 's full and restored and you got to start it
22 The most important thing is that you 're in danger of not being able to ask the nasty questions because the family are all so lovely and you get on so well with them and do n't want to ask impertinent questions . ’
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