Example sentences of "[adj] and [verb] she " in BNC.

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1 She recalled singing in both operas at Boosback as a 16-year-old and says she was amazed to be given the female lead in The Beggars ' and only three weeks in which to learn the words and music !
2 At this moment it was difficult to recall how quiet , calm and determined she had been .
3 Despite her success , she insists on being down-to-earth and believes she has an obligation to give a little back to the sport which shot her to fame .
4 That night she cried herself to sleep wondering where she had gone wrong and thinking she could not bear it if she never saw Edward again .
5 Because of this she felt generous and said she had realised some time ago that a really beautiful man was very much more beautiful than the most beautiful woman , and was n't that interesting .
6 He pushed the dress free and lifted her into his arms , walking to the bed , and Maggie made a small whimpering noise she did n't even recognise , a softly feminine noise of submission .
7 Rune was fuelling her fantasies , playing a descant to her theme , somehow sensing her rhythm , exciting and tormenting her .
8 And if you 're sensible and watch her closely you could learn a thing or two . ’
9 He said Daphne even though she is married now I am willing to forget the bad talks that were going around about him being foolish and wanting her back .
10 He was doubtful and told her that she would have to ask the Queen 's private secretary for approval .
11 ONE of the Spanish flunkies approached the Princess Royal in Barcelona last week when the Royal Box happened to be empty and suggested she sit there .
12 I wanted to keep her warm and handle her as much as possible in preparation for training .
13 One of the younger men charged up to Sabine and pulled her into the circle .
14 The principal was immediately cautious and warned her that the boy was under age .
15 For once Miss Coldharbour had looked uncomfortable and said she 'd have to ask Canon Wheeler , from which Julia had inferred that they had hoped to get her for free .
16 " Now let me see myself in a glass , " Sara said eventually , and when one was brought gave a gasp of surprise , because she had not worn the high collar before or had her hair braided , and although these strange garments were a little uncomfortable and restricting she could n't help admiring the slashed sleeves , the low , square neck and the wonderful wide skirt that swept the stone floor .
17 Fred was delighted and led her up to his bedroom where a truly magnificent blue and yellow parrot sat in a tall cage .
18 Why could n't she be honest and tell her why she had wanted James to see Moorlake ?
19 She went to Indooroophilly because she lived there now , and in an evening that had turned rather sad and sour she did n't know what else to do .
20 The time had come and Ruth stood up , so nervous and overwrought she nearly dragged the damask tablecloth with her .
21 Her brother was disgusted and called her a filthy collaborator , but at least the Englishman was safe .
22 I tried very hard to get it right and satisfy her .
23 She supposed she had lost the baby but she herself felt reasonably comfortable apart from a plastic pipe stuck into the back of her hand which was sore and meant she could n't move .
24 I said I was sorry and hoped she 'd soon be better and to tell her not to worry , that of course we 'd manage .
25 He said he was sorry and asked her not to contact the emergency services .
26 Artist gets girl pregnant and paints her ( in which order is not clear ) .
27 ‘ I 'd forgotten how loud and exhausting she could be , ’ remarked my mother later as I peeled the potatoes .
28 Ice formed in her branches , seeped into the wounds in her body , expanded and cracked her .
29 Reference to Freemantle 's letter shows that although Philip and Anne Leapor both attempted to break their daughter of the habit of writing verses , toward the end of the poet 's life some accommodation was reached : ‘ But finding it impossible to alter her natural Inclination , [ her father ] had of late desisted and left her more at Liberty ’ [ vol. 2 , p. xxx ] .
30 If , on the other hand you are married to a man who , on the surface at least , appears to be more attentive to his mother 's needs than to yours , try not to become upset and regard her as a threat or a rival , and avoid jumping to the conclusion that your marriage is a failure and that you are unloved .
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