Example sentences of "[adj] and to [be] " in BNC.

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1 It must be accepted that standards set are real , attainable and to be attained .
2 Well , yes , I mean I can remember having a friend in Oxford who was schizophrenic and to be quite frank he needed to be certified and we could not get him to go to the doctors , and when he did he told sufficient stories that the doctor home with eye drops because he was seeing things .
3 Cut off from the Reich by the Polish Corridor these people felt themselves to be German and to be threatened by the new Polish state .
4 They want the room warm and to be well covered .
5 In between , we say , we ‘ play it by ear ’ and what we listen for is the child 's own claim to have its decisions treated as authoritative and to be ready to bear the responsibility .
6 But he saw the prayers of the Church as a living and fruitful tradition which threw up new ideas , some on reflection wrong or offending and to be rejected , others the seeds of devotion .
7 ‘ When I go to a party I feel there 's an expectation for me to be witty and to be a ‘ party gal ’ , says my friend Alison .
8 The Enterprise Centre 's staff development activities aim to be innovative and to be both proactive and reactive .
9 Many , it is true , shouted enthusiastically that we were right and to be congratulated , but many others were up in arms at our intrepid temerity .
10 I am delighted to be asked to deliver Lynda 's speech to such a large body of people committed to helping the disadvantaged and to be able to say a few words about how government is meeting the challenges that it faces in the developing world .
11 Formal observation techniques and equipment are designed to reduce this discrepancy to a minimum but the nursing process depends on much more than can be obtained by this means ; therefore it is important for the teacher to have some understanding of the factors that affect the formation of percepts so that she can help the nurse to make accurate judgements where these are possible and to be sufficiently receptive and mentally flexible to consider more than one possible judgement as basis for action .
12 Now sailing encompasses windsurfing , dinghy sailing and ocean cruising and if you 've got millions of pounds to spend you can enter the Fastnet or the Admiral 's Cup but whatever level or whatever part of sailing you want to take up , the basic techniques are best learnt in a dinghy or sail boat because it 's less expensive and a lot more simple to operate and that 's the purpose of this video to learn the most basic techniques as quickly as possible and to be at one with the wind .
13 Japanese kites , and there are almost a score here to set beside nearly 90 examples from China , tend to be either square or diamond-shaped and to be emblazoned with fearsome images of the heads of actors from the Kabuki stage .
14 So far this is normal and to be expected , but if Claire is told often enough how good she is when she feels herself to be bad , or if Henry is constantly reminded of his vicious streak when he is aware of other , ignored qualities in himself , then both Claire and Henry are likely to become confused as to their own self-images .
15 Honourable but brief mentions must also go to Annie Lennox and Sinead O'Connor , for their uncompromising attitudes , bravery , outspokenness , passionate commitment to their music and because they prove it 's OK to be strong and to be vulnerable .
16 It was nasty , brutish and to be frank frightening as they tried to make sure they won the vote over Maastricht .
17 Since Tyvek is so impervious as to be virtually waterproof and indestructible , the strength of seams becomes very important if the kite is large and to be flown in high –A , in–
18 I think that the changes in the health service are increasingly being understood to be welcome and to be providing a better health service for the future .
19 This will depend on the size of the bird — you want it to be comfortable and to be able to move its legs , but you also want to keep an untrained bird under firm control .
20 Some children will produce drawings and paintings of careful observation of what is in the tank , others will use the tank as a starting off point and they will create and add to their visual experience other imagined ones , and this too is good and to be encouraged .
21 Having studied the leaflet on the pedestrian-friendly proposals , Middle Meadows Walk to Princes St. , I think the proposals are very good and to be warmly welcomed .
22 I also want the rights to all other churches in the Lothians , now existing and to be established , which are not and have never been in the past dedicated to the shrine of St Cuthbert .
23 It should be stressed that similar conclusions to those of figure 7.4 hold when comparisons are made within a particular social class to control for the fact that higher social classes are both more likely to marry late and to be owner-occupiers .
24 To be poor and to be honest , especially with a young girl , is the hardest struggle of all . ’
25 It is no good the Minister , whenever he is found to be wanting and to be wrong , starting to hurl abuse across the Chamber or making allegations that have absolutely no substance .
26 It is also important , however , to appreciate when attempts at insertion are in-appropriate and to be able to recognise and manage failure of insertion .
27 In particular , it is felt that the student needs to be allowed some freedom to choose the elements of his own course within the disciplines concerned and to be given the opportunity to spend a proportion of his time working outside his chosen disciplines , for which appropriate credit should be given in the assessment of his degree .
28 The Government and the forces of law and order have to be seen to be concerned and to be effective .
29 The Government and the forces of law and order have to be seen to be concerned and to be effective .
30 And I know you to be beautiful and to be most worthy to be my wife .
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