Example sentences of "[adj] time of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you like what you see , go back at least one more time , but make sure it 's a different time of day .
2 It 's important to make at least one other visit , at a different time of day , before you make an offer .
3 Philip saw a photograph of the house he 'd been to with Mrs Wright , only it was a different time of year .
4 For gardeners this is the most exciting time of year , when all your plans are realised and ideas become reality .
5 It was ridiculous to miss such a beautiful exciting time of day for a mark on a clock .
6 They realize , after a painful time of feeling abandoned and finding the courage to analyse their relationship , that it was not all they were hoping for and love was wanting .
7 Although we can quickly reset our watches , our body clock takes many days to adjust , and so instructs the pineal to produce melatonin at the wrong time of day , causing jet-lag .
8 I remember saying this was a bit leisurely , was n't it , but there was some apparently reasonable explanation , like no one gave any notice that they were going to die and the partnership could be a bit pushed to produce the cash if it was the wrong time of year .
9 It 's the wrong time of year for blossom to grow .
10 Wrong time of year for one thing . ’
11 In practice , because an infinite range of frequencies or an infinite time of testing is never achieved , the interconvertibility of creep , stress-relaxation and dynamic data is not possible and approximations have to be used .
12 ‘ It was his favourite time of year and that is why we must celebrate it properly .
13 The cabbie 's expression told anyone interested that Christmas was probably not his favourite time of year .
14 The foliage in the park was turning to burnished gold and Rachel knew that in a few short weeks the temperature would drop , the leaves would fall and once again her favourite time of year would be over .
15 ‘ This is my favourite time of day , before the rush starts , when everything is quiet . ’
16 This is antipodal to the empirically visible history in which the time of all histories is the simple time of continuity and in which the ‘ content ’ is the vacuity of events that occur in it which one later tries to determine with dividing procedures in order to ‘ periodise ’ that continuity .
17 We consider a major change to be any of the following changes made before the day of departure : change of departure airport , resort area , outward or return time of departure by more than 12 hours , or substitution of the accommodation you have booked with one of a lower price or official classification .
18 In the future , it might be possible for us to reset our body clock to the new time zone quickly , by taking a pill containing melatonin at the appropriate time of day .
19 For example , it should be a rule that whosoever answers the phone should be quiet and convincing , thus ‘ Good Morning , this is the Co-operative Funeral Service ’ , using , of course , the appropriate time of day .
20 We now stock upwards of 300 titles , admittedly mostly between September and December , but they can generate very significant sales at a crucial time of year — and none of us can afford to ignore a product range that has increased in sales by some 300% in the last three years .
21 From this primitive idea sprang the belief that it was important to celebrate Easter at the correct date , since this was the crucial time of combat between God ( or Christ ) and the Devil , and God required the support of his worshippers to defeat the Devil .
22 With its spectacular sunrises , fresh mountain air and inspiring tranquillity , early morning is the perfect time of day to explore all the outdoor pursuits that abound in Royal Deeside …
23 Some burning sun , black clouds , rain and wind were the backdrop to another highly agreeable fortnight in Paris at just about the perfect time of year .
24 Charles had chosen to stay in Scotland because it was the perfect time of year for all the activities he enjoyed there .
25 It was an appalling time of tyranny and religious persecution in which all classes of Scottish society , but mostly the ministers and farmers , and mainly in Ayrshire and Galloway , took the lead in resisting the final efforts of the Monarchy to install Episcopacy , many paying with their lives for adherence to their faith .
26 The drop is from 800 feet , giving an individual time of descent of about forty seconds , depending on individual weights .
27 The Central University was temporarily closed ; the two clauses of the " Spaniards ' Charter " which recognized freedom of movement and limited time of detention were suspended ; and the leaders of the student movement in favour of democracy in the universities were rounded up and arrested .
28 I underwent the most frightening time of life , and all this was because of ignorance .
29 Other variables examined related to the selection process ( infant 's age , region , and nominated time of day/time of death ) , sociodemography ( occupation , marital status , age mother left school , age of mother ) , pregnancy ( age of mother at first pregnancy , number of previous pregnancies , months pregnant when first attended antenatal clinic , attended antenatal classes ) , and postnatal factors ( infant 's sex , birth weight , gestation , admission to special care baby unit , breast feeding only at discharge from obstetric hospital , maternal smoking in last two weeks , season , infant 's sleeping position , and infant sharing a bed with another person ) .
30 Gas-pressure from the reaction would develop steadily over the brief time of contact , and would be greatest at the rear of the zone where the tread was about to lift off .
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