Example sentences of "[adj] time [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We had a swell time this week-end .
2 If such obvious confusion exists in management literature without a financial orientation , it is high time financial analysts devoted more attention to it .
3 ‘ It 's high time influential people got serious about the root causes of injuries , instead of being satisfied with taking care of players once they 're in a wheelchair .
4 British Telecom is putting up some £1 million toward the project including three hours free time each day on OTS .
5 A : Have you got any free time this morning ?
6 ‘ We had a smashing time last night . ’
7 ‘ Oh eh kid , I had a smashing time last night .
8 I do n't know , that 's the old time honoured way of doing it , is n't it ?
9 One of these days Sam is going to come up against a good old time proper door .
10 Medical applications include the development of two- and three-dimensional eye controllers that could help surgeons using endoscopic cameras , real time mother-foetal heart monitors , eye and muscle controllers for the disabled and physiotherapy aids for rehabilitation .
12 Echo planar imaging is a real time magnetic resonance imaging method capable of producing snapshot images in times ranging from 64–128 ms .
13 Make sure you weigh yourself daily , preferably at a similar time each day and in a similar state of dress or undress .
14 Try to allocate yourself a set time each day when you will practise your exercises .
15 ‘ If you must know , I had a rotten time last night , ’ she said sulkily .
16 They 're running late so they 're hoping they 're gon na work extra time each night .
17 Manville only trusted himself , and to hell with the extra time manual effort consumed .
18 His official time three hours forty five minutes .
19 The paper hypothesises that manufacturers wo n't have an easy time developing 66MHz/64-bit machines with the P5 chip and that P24T is something in the way of a stop-gap measure , speeds up the 486DX2 upgrade path .
20 Police were called to this hotel in Northampton just before closing time last night .
21 It seems that the seductive Suzie gave him a hard time one way and another . ’
22 My daughters have taken you to themselves as a sister ; João I know has shown you every courtesy and kindness — and I myself give up valuable time each day to speak to you .
23 IBM Corp is expected to announce today that it is switching to what it calls value-based pricing for mainframe software , charging on either a per-user or elapsed time used basis ; the company issued a cryptic statement in response to the Financial Times story alleging that Louis Gerstner had put the break-up of IBM on hold , saying that Gerstner had not said such a thing for public consumption and that he had no plans to do so .
24 We can not pinpoint the exact time that property passes without first classifying the contract .
25 Listeners elsewhere in Scotland will be able to hear Radio nan Gaidheal 's evening programmes only on medium wave and in a later slot , as listeners have indicated that the present 6:15 to 7:30pm slot is too early and clashes with prime time Gaelic television .
26 What had changed was two things , one that the governor of the state had talked about defying the court rather than actually do it and secondly , that Eisenhower had summoned Forbus to see him at Camp David , the president 's summer retreat in Maryland , and had a weekend of talks with Forbus Now I was n't there , I was at primary school then , but I was n't there as far as one can piece it together what , what Eisenhower said to Forbus was , you know , I do n't really care what you do , but I do n't want it on prime time national television , I do n't want a scene , I do n't want you to flagrantly , openly , publicly to flout the order of the court .
27 The reasons for this are not clear , but at the present time two diseases in particular , syphilis and type-B viral hepatitis , seem to be largely the preserve of the male homosexual .
28 The authors observe that up to the present time most obsolescence studies have been characterized by a superficial approach to what is a highly complex situation of interlocking factors .
29 Although for the present time this generation has strong feelings for the PLO and its chairman , Yasser Arafat , they have grown impatient with the niceties of political diplomacy .
30 HAYDN-LOVERS are in for a good time this autumn : coming up are the Haydn at Esterhaza concerts at the Wigmore Hall ( part of the Magyarok Britain Salutes Hungary Festival ) ; already on display is the Haydn and England exhibition at the British Library ; and just started is the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment 's QEH Haydn series concentrating on his late choral works .
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