Example sentences of "[adj] when he have " in BNC.

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1 Jasper 's sometimes funny when he has had a disappointment . "
2 The Threarah 's rather good at making himself unpleasant when he 's been woken up at ni-Frith for what he considers a piece of trivial nonsense .
3 Chris had already been given a severe ticking-off when he 'd admitted to the box-office that he 'd lost count of the number of tickets and cheques he 'd stuffed into all his suit pockets .
4 I can not prevent him going forth , but am ever relieved when he has returned .
5 He has worked hard on it , and perhaps he is at his most content when he has something in his game on which to work .
6 I 'll be glad when he 's got his .
7 K : ‘ It is frightening when he has an attack .
8 Nocenzi had been conscious when he 'd seen him .
9 He was familiar with Pound 's writing on Japanese drama , and had been impressed by the first performance of At the Hawk 's Well when he had seen a well-known Japanese dancer take the role of the hawk .
10 He supposed that he had been rendered unconscious when he had entered his quarters .
11 The court was told she 'd alleged she was unconscious when he had sex with her .
12 Well , Wayne is very gullible when he 's had a few and when you , Leslie , told him he was going to be a football star , it went to his head and he happily paid you the £10 signing-on fee .
13 ‘ You 're only envious , and you know you were the most concerned when he had to lose almost a year to that fever .
14 He had felt so proud when he had said goodbye to the veteran Hamman .
15 The senior porter had said , ‘ Sign here , please , Nurse , ’ and been kind when he had to wait until I could see well enough to sign that No. 4 was David Alistair Grant from Arthur Ward .
16 Flattered when he had looked at her in that particular way which was both critical and yet admiring at the same time ?
17 She knew what he was looking at — the pile of birthday cards on the kitchen table , and the letter that she had just started to rip open when he had first thumped on her door .
18 It will now be for the Home Secretary to decided when he 'd released although he could be transferred to a hospital in France .
19 Oh it 'll be all nice when he 's finished .
20 He had thought his young cousin 's stuff dull when he had seen it previously .
21 How could he be so polite when he had been fired by passion only a couple of hours before ?
22 In one way , of course , Nick had been quite right when he had said that whatever the truth it made no difference .
23 He was right when he had said that they had a peculiar reaction to each other .
24 David had been right when he 'd said that Rachel knew the whereabouts of Brooklands , for she had been there with her parents and her sister shortly after David and Jennifer 's engagement had been announced .
25 He 'd been right when he 'd said she was shrewish , though she 'd never suffered from the malady before .
26 He had been right when he 'd said there was no future — because the past would always exist .
27 He had touched on some of the reasons why the United Kingdom had been outsmarted and disadvantaged when he had spoken before the Prime Minister at the meeting of the Economic Planning Council .
28 Nigel could be quite persistent when he had thought of something to make Gina miserable .
29 Cos seventy odd when he had Birani .
30 He is untrustworthy , pretending to be something pleasant when he has harmful designs .
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