Example sentences of "[adj] when he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Another friend who had known him since his teens said : ‘ He was different when he came out , he scared people .
2 Butler was , perhaps , not saying anything so very different when he observed that ‘ equal educational opportunity is not identical educational opportunity ’ .
3 He was usually OK when he came to work . ’
4 Deane was a bit quiet , well marshalled by the Arsenal donkeys , and Wallace was quite lively when he came on .
5 Travis 's eyes were gleaming with mischief , though his face was grave when he looked at Paige .
6 Wakeham had made it clear when he took over from Younger as her team manager that the campaign must be conducted more vigorously , with Cabinet ministers taking a much more active part in it .
7 It is not precisely clear when he knew of the extra cases .
8 He makes the point clear when he says : ‘ Perfect non-violence is impossible as long as we exist physically …
9 He endeavours to make this point clear when he says : ‘ Though …
10 It all seemed so clear when he appeared on the Frost programme two days before the Leader of the Opposition 's visit to Luigi 's restaurant .
11 Richard Baxter had already made his position clear when he stopped preaching the previous May soon after the Act had received royal assent .
12 But he made it clear when he arrived in Perth the next day that he disagreed with Marsh 's sacking , an interesting observation given that the players ' code of behaviour specifically states that they are not permitted to comment on selection decisions .
13 Jesus was not being poetic when he described the Evil One as ‘ the father of lies ’ .
14 Certainly she found him so , despite what he so obviously thought of her , and as the kiss deepened she felt sleepy and warm and pliant — the nicest thing ever to have happened — and then bereft when he broke the gentle exploration .
15 Clarke virtually admitted that he did not believe that these important issues should be discussed in public when he defended the government 's decision not to publish the advice on science funding which it had received from the Advisory Board for the Research Councils .
16 I hoped that Mavis had n't passed on my thoughtless , remarks about his easy-going approach to work and was therefore somewhat self-conscious when he appeared in my office at half past two on the dot .
17 He did look funny when he laughed , thought Mary .
18 Henry Farr , the solicitor from Maple Drive , who could be so funny when he chose , had said , in his comic colonel voice , that ‘ Johnny Muslim can be quite a tricky customer ! ’
19 Jasper 's sometimes funny when he has had a disappointment . "
20 Frank Chapman , an executive council member of the EEPTU electricians ' union , was hissed and slow-handclapped when he asserted that scaling down nuclear power would put a brake on economic development in third world countries .
21 The spokesman , Rafi Horowitz , was wrong when he said that Palestinians could not claim their lands because they were citizens of a country at war with Israel .
22 But he was wrong when he said it had no effect on him .
23 It therefore seems that Einstein was doubly wrong when he said , ‘ God does not play dice . ’
24 My right hon. Friend must be wrong when he says that we are spending 4.3 per cent .
25 So he , Mr Major , is wrong when he says he believes that that dialogue , that process that you began with Gerry Adams has run its course do you
26 Why should that guy be wrong when he fingers you ?
27 Francis Bacon was surely not far wrong when he wrote : ‘ To control nature , you must obey it . ’
28 Things began to go wrong when he got into bad company .
29 Even the New Forest Hunt master admitted it was wrong when he spoke at a rival press conference .
30 Yet a certain Scottish poet was not far wrong when he described finishing one of that author 's novels as being like emerging from a thin shower of dandruff , unenlivened by even the slightest flash of mediocrity .
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