Example sentences of "[adj] if she could " in BNC.

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1 It was a request from a colleague : he 'd be grateful if she could cast her eye over an article he 'd written for a quarterly journal , by Friday if possible .
2 Which would be fine if she could think of anything even remotely amusing to say , she thought wryly .
3 ‘ In her last letter she said she was not sure if she could settle , ’ said Mrs Over .
4 Flavia , sitting very still , was not sure if she could trust her ears .
5 In that moment she was n't sure if she could fling decorum to the wind and beg him to make love to her again , right there , standing up in the blackness of Ghar Hasan .
6 She was no longer sure if she could afford to consider just one particular aspect of her pride when there were other far more vulnerable areas , capable of sustaining appalling damage .
7 It would mean seeing Alain again and she was n't sure if she could do that and retain any distance .
8 Now , though , she was sitting in the dressing-room , not even sure if she could persuade her legs to stand up and carry her to the stage .
9 It had been a strain , a terrible strain marrying Ace , but all would be well if she could escape before he found out her secret .
10 A friend said it would be wonderful if she could have a wood with an obelisk where she could go and sit , ’ says Gwyn .
11 It was debatable if she could have faced Guy Sterne across the breakfast table without them .
12 He irritated the hell out of her , and it would n't be so bad if she could write him off as being thoroughly detestable .
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