Example sentences of "[adj] were the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Among the leading figures of Republican Spain to conclude that sooner or later defeat was unavoidable were the President , Azaña , and Prieto ; in April 1938 the latter , following a Communist-orchestrated campaign , was ejected from his post as Defence Minister on grounds of ‘ defeatism ’ .
2 The next periods after the Neolithic were the Bronze Age and Iron Age , although nothing of these times have been discovered at Halling it is almost certain the area of the village was occupied .
3 ( Of the alternative tools used for selection , the most popular were The bookseller with 31% , and publishers ' lists with 28% . )
4 ( The least popular were The Language of Specialist Subject , Language Interaction between Pupils , Bilingualism and Multilingualism , and Classroom Research on Language ) .
5 One result was that the British were the world 's major communications operators .
6 The white frilly aprons and mob caps clearly labelled those who had elected to become servants for the afternoon ; less easily identifiable were the spiv I 'd spotted earlier — with his slicked-back , Brylcreemed hair and sneer of a moustache — and the vampish creature dressed in black taffeta adorned with diamanté who had looked me up and down disdainfully .
7 The most crucial were the appreciation and acceptance of , first , the significant role of management in the economy and society and , second , the belief that individual skill in business and management could be nurtured by appropriate training and was thus transferable .
8 In 1940 the National Council of Social Service called together the chief national voluntary societies that were concerned with old people and invited as observers the government departments involved by statute in their care , of which the most prominent were the Ministry of Health and the Assistance Board .
9 Equally remarkable were the ambition and determination that pushed to completion her final novel , which is also her masterpiece , South Riding ( published posthumously in 1936 and awarded the James Tait Black memorial prize ) : a rich regional study of social change and local government , it drew to some extent on her mother 's experiences as the first woman alderman in the East Riding of Yorkshire .
10 Other individual signs that seemed useful were the observation or history of cyanosis and the finding of crepitations on examination .
11 All in all therefore , the service would not be noticeably impoverished were the element of admission to the lord 's supper to be removed from it , or were adjustments to be necessary to cover , cover some in a class who had communicated in earlier years .
12 Among those present were the Ambassador , Sir Miles Lampson , the veteran South African politician , General Smuts , the new Commander-in-Chief , General Alexander , and Sir Alan Brooke .
13 Among those present were the Princess Royal , King Constantine of the Hellenes , , the Moët et Chandon party that I have already mentioned ; the managing director of the Rolex watch company in London Mr Ian Nelson , and many others .
14 Among those present were the Earl of Shaftesbury , Caroline Lady Hobart , Mr and Mrs Michael Sayers , Mrs Benjamin Bonas , and Mrs Juan Quimson the very elegant widow of the former Philippines Ambassador .
15 Other relations and friends present were the bride 's numerous brothers and sisters and stepbrothers , some with their husbands and wives including Mr and Mrs Anthony Cordle , Mr Charles Cordle , Mr and Mrs Rupert Cordle , John-William Cordle , Howard Cordle , the Hon.
16 Much more inspiring and less frequent were the sight and sounds of soldiers marching to war from drill hall to station .
17 The urban poor were the backbone of Torrijos 's support , and they continued initially to cheer for Noriega .
18 Below a certain level of affluence , as Loudon himself points out , the word ‘ architecture ’ had had no application ; at their best , the houses of the poor were the work of country builders , finding traditional solutions to simple needs .
19 So great were the production demands on this story that both Barry Newbery and Raymond Cusick were pulled in to design its visual composition .
20 Most notorious were the cost overruns in defence and civilian aircraft R&D .
21 The most important were the Campaign for Labour Party Democracy ( CLPD ) , the Labour Co-ordinating Committee ( LCC ) , Militant and the Rank and File Mobilizing Committee ( RFMC ) , which was an attempt to get the other Left-wing groups to work together .
22 In the end they found five such factors , of which they felt the most important were the increase in the number of high-status jobs in industrial societies , and the increasing importance attached to qualifications rather than family connections when people were being promoted to higher job levels .
23 The benefits considered least important were the amount of holiday and an expense account .
24 Nevertheless all professional anthropologists had assimilated some of his ideas about the theoretical interpretation of particular social customs scattered through his writings , of which the most important were The Andaman Islanders ( 1922 ) , The Social Organization of Australian Tribes ( 1930–1 ) , and the occasional papers collected with a very laudatory foreword by Evans-Pritchard and the leading American social anthropologist Professor Peter Eggan in Structure and Function in Primitive Society ( 1952 ) .
25 So much for the mainstream , but how successful were the left at staying afloat in , or even swimming against , this formidable rightward moving tide ?
26 The material involved may go to show how accurate were the company 's financial statements and how accurate were any representations made .
27 As it was , the only items in this futuristic , state-of-the-art kitchen with which she was totally familiar were the microwave oven , the toaster and the electric kettle .
28 Soup kitchens for the poor and needy were the order of the day .
29 More profitable were the port dues collected on every ship to enter the Sound .
30 The lazy and the inattentive were the object of his acerbic wit ; the careless ( especially with language ) the subject of his scorn .
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