Example sentences of "[adj] she would [adv] " in BNC.

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1 You know when things got fresh she 'd perhaps have enough for all week or till you went on the Tuesday , you see , yeah .
2 She was cruelly obsessed with class and if her children had not come from a background that she knew to be reliable she would certainly have ignored them as she ignored the au-pair girls .
3 Unfortunately , Emily Bronte never went to Ireland ( nor did her grandfather travel to England ) , so I am afraid she would not have heard any story ‘ at the fireside on the farm at Drumballyroney in Co .
4 They are convinced she would not have gone with anyone willingly .
5 Something so awful she would never be able to put it past her .
6 When Nellie 's Mum was very large and the baby was due she would n't let Nellie go far in case she needed to fetch the midwife .
7 But the harder they pressed her , the more confused she would probably have become .
8 When he re-emerged to help Thatcher 's leadership campaign , it was obvious she would n't last either .
9 I 'm sure she would n't want to put you out , when you 're feeling so ill .
10 ‘ I 'm sure she would n't have wanted this . ’
11 ‘ I 'm sure she would n't enjoy hearing that very much . ’
12 I 'm sure she would n't have taken the matter lightly if it had been her own colleagues who had been beaten up and tortured .
13 Robbie was quite sure she would n't .
14 It was the kind of story that she would relish but with her blunt ways one could never be sure she would n't at some time let the cat out of the bag .
15 Yes , she so do you think Cathy would mind if I rang her and I said no I 'm sure she would n't .
16 However , she said she would now prefer to try to cope without coming to the hospital but would also said she was sure she would not take a further overdose .
17 With the vicar 's views on hellfire she was sure she would not go unpunished , that he would feel obliged to deputise for God .
18 But Daphne had her own house in Willesden , a house Cecilia was sure she would not be willing to leave , though it was far less nice than Cecilia 's own , being part of an ugly white brick terrace .
19 I was sure she would not denounce me .
20 Similarly , for the teenage girl from a strongly Catholic family it might be particularly important that she avoid pregnancy in a relationship with a boy to whom she felt sure she would not like to be married .
21 He would too — he was so angry at her threat that I 'm sure she would never dare to carry it out . ’
22 I 'm sure she 'd rather share the spoils than lose them altogether . ’
23 Only children ever danced like this , and when Kāli was older and married she 'd probably be ashamed to admit she even knew the movements .
24 He was confident she would n't say anything further about the dream .
25 Jenny was nine , and even if she had n't been adventurous she would probably have fallen in the river anyway , because there was nothing much to do at Dale End but get into mischief .
26 If what she was doing were n't so important she would never have put so much as a foot inside them .
27 She wanted to be so busy she would n't have either time or energy to wonder about him , to dream , or hope .
28 I got the impression that Jean-Claude had been so certain that his relationship with his sister was the most singular she would ever make , that the mere fact of their not living under the same roof would do nothing to erode what they had together .
29 Currently one staff member has her back to the door and if the other two staff were absent she would not see the light flashing .
30 I 'm not sure what authority , if any , Waaf Officers had over NCOs in the RAF , but I 'm pretty certain she would n't have got very far with him .
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