Example sentences of "[adj] as if they " in BNC.

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1 Peter Naulls and he , searching for the hole into the mine , had got as suntanned as if they had been on the kind of holiday they never had , on the beaches of Spain or Italy .
2 And the buildings looked as derelict as if they had all been lifted by some force and dropped again .
3 It was as simple as if they 'd asked him if he knew a good plumber .
4 These appear to be the valid wordings for trusts which are in most common use : ‘ I request ’ , ‘ I ask ’ , ‘ I wish ’ , and ‘ I entrust ’ , which are individually just as effective as if they were all used together .
5 They were talking rationally now , as adults , just as she had asked , but underneath the façade of civilised behaviour her heart was still doing funny things , and the electricity between them was as powerful as if they had been making love .
6 Housing estates are the modern monument of municipalism , more typically than the new civic centres and town halls , and yet they often look improvised or makeshift , as temporary as if they were plains of prefabs .
7 Customers clamour at the counter as thick as if they were handing out free tickets to Dublin .
8 The emotions of like and dislike are just as broad as if they had arisen from a total survey of the car .
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