Example sentences of "[adj] as it will " in BNC.

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1 A tip regarding the ribber comb : After the zig-zag row , push the comb return up between the two beds as high as it will go and , from the top , fix on two modern style bulldog clips ( 40p each ) to hold the comb firmly in position and leave both hands free to thread the wire through the comb .
2 Lift up the ball valve arm as high as it will go , and tie up to prevent the cistern refilling .
3 Good as it 'll ever be .
4 I 've been told it 's about as good as it will gfet for the time being .
5 ‘ Anythink as long as it 'll 'elp us out , ’ she wailed through her apron .
6 car it 'll do either one of them I do n't care whether you 've got a diesel engine or a petrol engine as long as it 'll get me from A to B.
7 ‘ As long as it wo n't ruin your pudding , ’ Judy said gratefully .
8 Armed with this perspective , library staff may perhaps be more likely to respond to the specious logic of their political masters , eager to turn an honest penny as long as it will cause controversy and save money from the Westminster rate-cappers .
9 You can even use a word processor , as long as it will let you save the files as plain text .
10 At which point , a dimension is added that makes the experience as alarming as it will ever be .
11 It 's stra , Straiton 's stretching your loyalty as far as it 'll go .
12 You 've got to push the choke in now as far as it 'll go .
13 pushed it as far as it will go .
14 Sometimes listed as a deep water aquatic as it will also tolerate deep water .
15 And her Gran was voicing her mother 's own words : ‘ The best thing you can do is to hang on , as grim as it will be for you , until she 's able to make a choice .
16 As big as it 'll go .
17 Connections to the soil pipe are more difficult as it will almost certainly be made of cast iron — see page 66 .
18 His owner must not shampoo him while he 's knotty as it will tighten the knots and make them harder to remove .
19 This is a very good program but , if you are not a novice to spreadsheets or computers , you will find it frustrating as it will be too slow for you .
20 In Devonport , if Devonport was to close , which is possible as it will become uneconomic with further cuts in its workload the impact on the economy would be horrific .
21 Hawaii has exhibited a much faster rate of construction , but its volcanism will be short-lived as it will be carried away from its magma source by plate motion .
22 If you do n't have one , turn down your freezer as low as it will go and freeze the mixture in a shallow metal pie pan .
23 Do n't try to remove anything before it is ready as it will only go wrong in the long run , making all your work so far a complete waste of effort .
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