Example sentences of "[adj] as he might " in BNC.

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1 Here we hope to develop the reader 's critical faculties by showing him , especially in relation to Q[x] , that not everything is quite as straightforward as he might have thought ( see in particular Section 1.6 ) .
2 He gasped for breath but managed to finish a scathing indictment that was n't as effective as he might have wished .
3 Anyway , it is a shortsighted policy to rely too heavily on the tutor for detailed guidance since , good as he might be , he is unlikely to have a monopoly of knowledge in his particular subject .
4 But Travis was shaking his head , and insisting that he had not been as enthusiastic as he might have been on Saturday .
5 Food costs have been high in the past because Fred has not been as efficient as he might have been ( he certainly seems to have neglected his record-keeping ! ) , and his action in letting Chrissie take the food was motivated by his resentment at being demoted .
6 He did n't seem as elated as he might by the idea .
7 ‘ Many of the composers who made good on Broadway were Jewish refugees from the 19th-century pogroms in Europe , ’ says Knapp , who is not quite as dry as he might sound .
8 ‘ He 's not as aggressive as he might be but that could come , and he has more skill and speed than someone like John Fashanu , who plays an intimidating game .
9 Euripides ( and with him the more " traditional " Sophocles ) was dead , and degenerate as he might have been , the scale of his artistic gifts was not in doubt ; but there was no successor of equivalent stature to mend matters : like Athens herself , tragedy was in decline .
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