Example sentences of "[adj] but [vb base] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They are not necessarily extravagant but devote themselves to appearance as to a very demanding goddess whose exigencies may account for that well-kempt , bad tempered look most of them adopt .
2 If couples are not receiving any extra but believe they should be , the husband should write to their local tax office stating their ages .
3 She could guess roughly what he was promising but let him keep his secret .
4 We all know only too well how disheartening it can be to try hard but achieve nothing .
5 It may be that the amp sounds okay but do they really need an LED for goodness sake ?
6 High interest rates are ideal but do you need instant access to your money ?
7 The most professional approach was to be polite but say nothing .
8 If you read this end to end Ron I 'd be very grateful but let me just point out to you we 've agreed twenty eighth , if you bring it forward great .
9 You 've probably heard the phrase the customer is always right but believe me it 's not true .
10 Speak a little more slowly and clearly than normal but keep it natural .
11 The banks say the Phoenix survey is too small to be representative but insist it 's up to customers to check statements .
12 They also suggest that their choice of index was incorrect but justify it by pointing out that it included both industrial and financial sectors and so could not have any undue bias .
13 A wise father will recognize the reason for his sons ' aggressive or needling behaviour and remain firm but cool himself without feeling threatened or provoked .
14 I mean like royalty do , pretend to be married but do their own thing on the quiet .
15 I had to walk all the way round there in these shoes , they look good but believe me they 're not meant for walking , and in the end she 's not even home .
16 O H O H is is a single negative but keep it inside the bracket that 's it and do n't forget the two applies to everything inside there so
17 But when editors have seen it in the States they 've been very impressed but find it difficult to use .
18 ‘ Can you guess … ? ’ can be used to help those who are stuck but feel they understand where they are going .
19 I would not claim specialist knowledge of penal systems in Britain or overseas but offer my observations as those of an interested and reasonably informed member of the general public .
20 They say women are bitchy but have you ever heard a conversation betwe
21 if he was a , always available but see you got a lot of , you got a players like Dominic
22 Yes and it 's probably slightly repetitive but tell us briefly what he managed to do .
23 Just why is unclear but follow it and , four miles before Gubbio , a road branches off to the beautiful region of Monte Maggiore .
24 At the same time , the walls of the pocket become extremely thin but retain their connection with the general epidermis .
25 They give some impression of the life and environment of the wealthy and influential but cause one to forget , or overlook , the lives of the majority of people living at a lower level of survival — a majority that probably includes the makers of the art object .
26 He is self-deprecating but ail his anecdotes feature his achievements .
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