Example sentences of "[adj] he would be " in BNC.

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1 Should it go wrong he would be expected to mend it : he was a musician , not a mechanic .
2 Although Mrs Thatcher 's opposition will prevent the declaration having any legal force , the Commission President , Mr Jacques Delors , made it clear he would be coming forward with detailed proposals on a range of minimum social rights for workers in the 1992 single market over the next 12 months — some of which would have binding legal force throughout the Community .
3 It may be conceded that if he did not occupy it under his contract with the bank rent free he would be obliged to hire a house elsewhere , pay rent for it , and pro tanto diminish his income [ author 's emphasis ] .
4 N. B. The third party action between the solicitors and the barrister did not decide that he was negligent merely that if he was negligent he would be liable to the solicitors .
5 And how glad he would be when she told him .
6 I wondered how comfortable he would be and what he would make of the covers I had borrowed from the farmer 's wife .
7 ‘ Ach — I was sure he would be with you — we could have taken our own time then .
8 Zambia had dreaded Tammuz seeing hir battered flesh , feeling sure he would be sickened by the thought of others having been intimate with hir so recently .
9 Christian was sure he would be delighted to go to France and work for Edouard .
10 Tommaso was sure he would be sent there as soon as his training was over .
11 She was sure he would be serious , although , Harold-like , he would attempt not to show it .
12 ‘ I 'm sure he would be proud of you , ’ Merrill said slowly , still marvelling at this new-found empathy .
13 She wished she had not put the lamp on in the first place because she was sure he would be able to fathom out how she felt .
14 I 'm sure he would be yes .
15 Colonel our form commander was not sure he would be here about a month ago and so he sent me a statement that I would like to read .
16 Apart from all the antiques Mr Grover also had piles of books about every subject under the sun and Paddington felt sure he would be able to explain the mystery .
17 If viable he would be given another £40 .
18 He was concerned he would be locked in an English jail , and wondered if he should seek Embassy asylum .
19 I did n't know then how important he would be later on in my life .
20 But he may have also been told by Mr Major that it is unlikely he would be promoted much further , and has decided to seek his fortune elsewhere .
21 Springfield and Pam both smilingly nodded their confirmation , knowing how pleased he would be at learning the news that he and his old friend and colleague would be teaming up again .
22 Middlesbrough Labour candidate Stuart Bell revealed they had been told there was a waiting list of several months but his parents were advised he was going deaf and if he went private he would be in hospital within three weeks .
23 Agassi withdrew last Friday from the grass court event in Halle , but yesterday he took the last remaining wild card reserved for him by tournament organisers hopeful he would be fit to play .
24 Mr Crangle was certain he would be successful .
25 Certain he would be killed , Joe recorded a poignant farewell message to Elham .
26 Another of her unattached friends who always seemed to find their way on to the invitation list whenever she was certain he would be at one of her soirees .
27 Richmann stood his ground , certain he would be able to jump out of the .
28 From the very start I had advised her to be honest with him but she was terrified he would be so shocked he would n't want her .
29 If Satan is self-existent he would be able to understand his existence but the very fact he is struggling to prove it denies this .
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