Example sentences of "[adj] that he [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Buchan is also a conoisseur of socialist folk-singing : he made it clear that he would find it hard to set the policy review to traditional music : ‘ I am a primeval socialist . ’
2 But Home Office officials indicated that , in the absence of new evidence , Mr Waddington would make it clear that he would be unable to take any initiative .
3 It could also prove too great a hurdle for Mr Gould , a well-known Euro-sceptic , who made clear that he would be pressing for Labour to rethink its economic policy and to advocate realignment of the pound within the European exchange rate mechanism to enable it to put forward more positive policies on industry and employment .
4 It seems certain that Louis-Napoleon would have preferred a prolongation of his power by legal means , but in the long run it was equally clear that he would not shrink from a confrontation with the opposition .
5 My father was friendly enough but too obviously confident of his powers : if other parents complained to him about me or my brother , he always took our side and made it clear that he would roll up his sleeves and take on anyone who laid a finger on us .
6 Instead , at a press briefing , he made it clear that he would be looking to private benefactors to come to the rescue in extreme cases , and pointing to the successful purchases of ‘ Portrait of a lady with a squirrel and a starling ’ by Holbein for the National Gallery ( see The Art Newspaper No. 16 , March 1992 , p.1 ) and Canaletto 's ‘ The Old Horse Guards , London , from St James 's Park ’ by Andrew Lloyd-Webber ( see The Art Newspaper No.19 June 1992 , p. 3 ) .
7 They had approached Barlow to see if he would be prepared to contribute , but Barlow had made it clear that he would not .
8 He had briefly been in the Army but had left when it became clear that he would not get commissioned .
9 It was clear that he would be getting married very soon .
10 His officials were talking about " the man who came to dinner " and making it clear that he would just have to go before the Islamic summit that was scheduled to meet in Morocco in April .
11 He made it clear that he would plead guilty to indecent assault but not to rape or attempted rape and he was allowed to do so . ’
12 In a response to my hon. Friend the Member for Newham , North-West ( Mr. Banks ) on Thursday , the Prime Minister made it clear that he would not be supporting the Wild Mammals ( Protection ) Bill , which will come before the House on Friday , but did not clarify whether he is in favour of a ban on fox hunting .
13 On 6 October the Scottish Sunday Mail revealed in an excellent piece of investigative journalism that , in a draft letter to the Secretary of State for Energy , the Secretary of State for Scotland had made it clear that he would not object to fuel from an Iraqi nuclear reactor , damaged during the Gulf war , being sent to Dounreay for reprocessing .
14 The third sitting member , Alan Montgomery , made it clear that he would not be running , but Mr McGimpsey was squeezed out for one of the other two Unionist nominations .
15 During the first meeting of the Cabinet on Aug. 30 , Rafsanjani made it clear that he would not " engage in the fantasies of an independent and self-sufficient society " , but declared that Iranians " need not , even a bit , deviate from the path of the Imam and the ideals of the Revolution for the construction of the country " [ see reconstruction efforts and five-year plan below ] .
16 The President approved this measure , but made it clear that he would not sign further legislation to keep government going unless a satisfactory agreement was reached on the budget .
17 Announcing his forthcoming retirement in 1988 , he had made it clear that he would remain on hand to step in if necessary .
18 President Francesco Cossiga , 63 , who had been elected in July 1985 , had made it clear that he would not be standing for re-election .
19 From this it was clear that he would never renounce the latter post .
20 Asquith then made it clear that he would do nothing to assist the Conservatives .
21 After revolution had begun in Europe , Nicholas was less determined to send his troops abroad than to make clear that he would brook no dissent at home .
22 He tried to persuade editors of journals to back the government , but made clear that he would prosecute them if they refused .
23 And now that she was clearly going to have to give up her job — Ross had made it clear that he would n't approve of her returning to work , and especially not when she was expecting a baby — having something to get her teeth into , such as restoring an ancient building , sounded a great idea .
24 He will be advising us on ways and means forward ’ , Haines subsequently made it clear that he will not be an impotent lackey .
25 The Dalai Lama should be congratulated on the great honour which is to be bestowed on him , and the Prime Minister or the Foreign Secretary should make it clear that he will be warmly welcomed when next he is able to visit London .
26 He also made it clear that he will not be participating in the all-weather racing .
27 He has already made clear that he will demand a commitment to electoral reform in the first Queen 's Speech of a new government as the price for Liberal Democrat support .
28 He prepares to do so , and only when it is clear that he will obey the divine command does God at the last moment spare his son and tell him to kill a sheep instead .
29 Mitch 's image alone does not make clear that he will be mocked rather than taken seriously as an object of desire .
30 David Boren , the Oklahoma Democrat who holds the swing vote on the committee , has already made it clear that he will not vote for the current package , dubbing it ‘ Stimulus 2 ’ , a reference to Mr Clinton 's ill-fated emergency spending package .
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