Example sentences of "[adj] that it seem " in BNC.

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1 Whereas the house was darkly masculine in its Victorian confidence , Miss Hatherby 's music room was so light and feminine that it seemed quite out of place in the general heaviness and gloom .
2 Sometimes she was so funny that it seemed she ought to be given a show of her own .
3 I mean that the data on spontaneous abortion is so unmistakable that it seems to me that artificially induced abortions are just a continuation with modern technology of something women have always done anyway discriminate against their ab about their offspring , sometimes discriminating against them .
4 The room , painted a white so fresh that it seemed pale blue , was cool and soothing .
5 Alice Wilson 's cellar dwelling with its brick floor ‘ so damp that it seemed as if the last washing could never dry up ’ would not be far distant from the Davenports ' if the nature of that ‘ dampness ’ were defined .
6 There was one girl in particular who interested Harriet , a small girl with hair cut gamin short , whose face was so expressive that it seemed to reflect every one of the emotions that they were all feeling , these midinettes who had basted hemlines and stitched hooks and eyes into place , positioned trimmings and sewed them into place with such tiny stitches that they were all but invisible to the naked eye .
7 It would be sensible to cut off most of her hair , but so much of it had grown when her parents were alive that it seemed somehow unfaithful to their memory to scissor it all away .
8 It was a movement so subtle that it seemed to occur from the corner of her eye .
9 A physical longing so strong that it seemed her very survival must be linked to it .
10 His triumph was so complete that it seemed to him that he must surely radiate some evident joy .
11 He leaned his forehead against the stone , and was suddenly so weary and so content that it seemed to him there was nothing left to be desired in life , and nothing more he need strive for .
12 He tries so hard that it seems churlish to deny him a few points for effort .
13 But that had been seven months ago , a chill morning in mid-February , when the bushes which screened the canal walk from the neighbouring council estate had been tangled thickets of lifeless thorn ; when the branches of the ash trees had been black with buds so tight that it seemed impossible they could ever crack into greenness ; and the thin denuded wands of willow , drooping over the canal , had cut delicate feathers on the quickening stream .
14 THE upheaval that shook Eastern Europe felt so natural that it seems pointless to ask why it happened .
15 Some of the patterns shown are so elaborate that it seems doubtful that they were woven : some may have been printed with blocks , while others may have been produced by a mixed-medium method , combining printing , embroidery , and appliqué work .
16 ‘ But it is so naive that it seems unlikely the politicians will want to spend much time on it , ’ says Jean Rankine , the museum 's deputy director .
17 There was cramp in my neck and arms and I was so tired that it seemed almost as if a malevolent magnetism was trying to drag me to the ground .
18 Our father , Fa , was an agent for India 's Inland Navigation so that we ( our mother , Mam , my three sisters , Jon , Nancy and Rose , and I ) lived on the banks of Assam 's and Bengal 's great rivers , sometimes two miles wide , flowing through land so flat that it seemed to meet the sky all round like an inverted bowl .
19 I think he 's fit to go and he 's so unhappy that it seems unkind to keep him caged up .
20 For there was about her cage a silence and stillness so great that it seemed as if she had disappeared .
21 Luke said softly , his voice so deep that it seemed to run along her nerves and play a tune like a violin .
22 He felt himself to be so uneducated that it seemed hopeless even to try to catch up with the ordinary things that people knew .
23 Herta is so small that it seems natural to be quite strict with her .
24 Robin-Anne had her mother 's fair hair , so fair that it looked bleached , and she had her mother 's delicate good looks etched on to a face so pale that it seemed as though her skin must burn if it was exposed to anything more powerful than a light bulb .
25 Some of the great controversies were so trivial that it seemed as if people had positively to search for something to quarrel about .
26 The learning outcomes in these modules have so much in common that it seems inappropriate to have three teachers teaching them in three separate classrooms .
27 The predators that preyed on the giants were even more spectacular , and by now the name of Tyrannosaurus is so well-known that it seems to be one of the first tongue-twisters mastered by small children .
28 The oil paint lazily moves over the surface of the paintings ; in places its application is to thick that it seems to be rotting and falling away .
29 Thus death has been ever close to me — so close that it seemed to me at times that I could reach out and touch it .
30 Although there are many other strands involved in Realism generally , Morgenthau 's work has been so influential that it seems sensible to start with it .
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