Example sentences of "[adj] that you [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 However , you should also make it clear that you would not expect to come in and immediately start changing things for the sake of it .
2 ‘ The Prophet made it clear that you can have up to four wives , ’ she said .
3 J said : " The cases are quite clear that you can not make a valuer an arbitrator by calling him so or vice versa " .
4 That 's what this programme is about , and in that time I mean I think , I was thinking actually as Terry was speaking , erm you said that it was not clear that you can judge somebody on a hundred days , and I must say I agree with that , and I think at the moment in the last hundred days we 've been at war and it 's impossible to judge a new Prime Minister , who 's come into office in the right at the beginning of what potentially could have been a very nasty war .
5 If the contract makes it clear that you will receive a bonus , without specifying a fixed sum , your entitlement is probably to a figure that is reasonable , taking into account sums received in previous years .
6 So it 's clear that you will .
7 Your appointment may be terminated at any time during the probationary period in the case of misconduct or if your service is unsatisfactory and it is clear that you will not be able to reach the required standard before the end of the probationary period .
8 Your appointment may be terminated at any time during the probationary period in the case of misconduct or if your service is unsatisfactory and it is clear that you will not be able to reach the required standard before the end of the probationary period .
9 You should make it clear that you will be a student at the University of Edinburgh and ask for an account to be opened at a convenient branch .
10 You should make it clear that you will be a student at the University of Edinburgh and ask for an account to be opened at a convenient branch .
11 While you are not entitled to recover twice the same amount of loss , it is conceivable that you might be eligible for full compensation in respect of both claims .
12 In houses for heating it 's conceivable that you could have a huge hot water store in the basement , or a store made up of round pebbles , heated by hot air , which you could then use by circulating cool air through them to produce hot air at other times .
13 ‘ I believe that it is quite wrong that you should refuse this reasonable request and I regret to say that your attitude is all too typical of the secretive nature of British government , which cries out for reform . ’
14 ‘ Ah … it 's funny that you should mention that , ’ he murmured .
15 You know what it costs to run , switch the lights on , you know what it costs to run a conveyor belt for goodness sake , and yet it , and if , if you , if you lose money on , on shifting one parcel , I know if you shift a hundred thousand you might make something , but the chances are high that you wo n't , and , and I mean there are people shifting more parcels than us , I know that , they ca n't make any money out of it .
16 The nut is the main offender ; it 's so ludicrously high that you can easily slide a matchstick between the top string and the first fret .
17 Adjust the height of the fitting so that it does n't obscure your view across the table while you 're eating , but is n't so high that you can look into the shade at the bulb .
18 You may have only intended to have a small black coffee but given all the antecedent events ( that is , the things we have described leading up to walking into the café ) , the probability is high that you will break the diet .
19 So high that you could see everything .
20 Now this is an argument that is so intellectually contemptible that you can hardly be bothered to demolish it .
21 These are so popular that you will need to book at least a couple of months in advance .
22 Doubtful that you 'd get in anywhere .
23 I think she is afraid that you might be embarrassed .
24 ‘ No , I 'm afraid I ca n't — and I 'm also afraid that you might have to face up to the fact that Silas has n't got private talks in mind , ’ Lucy pointed out gently .
25 ‘ I was so desperately afraid that you would turn out to be the sort of person who cares only about money and possessions . ’
26 I was hoping that Steinmark would be back on Monday but I 'm afraid that you will have to carry on the best you can .
27 We have bread and bacon and butter that 's good , With oatmeal and salt that is wholesome for food ; We have soap and candles whereby to give light That you may work by them so long as you have light .
28 Wall fabrics are generally more expensive than papers but can often make the walls look so luxurious that you can get away with minimal furnishings .
29 Firstly it is inevitable and natural and quite proper that you should have a sympathy , in particular for Mrs and her children and .
30 JE : It 's interesting that you should mention Rosenkavalier in this context , because while Britten was in hospital with measles , during the period when he was writing Grimes , Ralph Hawkes sent him a score of Rosenkavalier .
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