Example sentences of "[adj] for him [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Obviously Wordsworth 's performance in his studies at school must have been outstanding for him to have started off at Cambridge with such a lead , and it is hardly surprising that in the college examination in 1787 he was placed in the first class .
2 In this year , the 25th anniversary of Shelter , does the Minister agree that the time is right for him to give effect to the Prime Minister 's boast in his letter of support to Shelter that the Government would employ public expenditure where necessary ?
3 What can be said for them is that if the High Priest is acting in the fullest awareness at present attainable by his people , it is right for him to perform the sacrifice , just as it would be right for a Western onlooker to try to dissuade him ; he is not like a Nazi who has voluntarily shut himself off from the knowledge of biology and history and the personal sensitivity attained by the culture of the Weimar Republic .
4 Schiller had pleaded , once again going through the many reasons why it was right for him to gain a seat on the council .
5 ‘ She told me it would n't be right for him to work , her mother said .
6 he 's only been f here for half of the Debate , under those circumstances since he ca n't have heard all the arguments , it 's a bit rich for him to call us casual .
7 Once a scientist has universal laws and theories at his disposal , it is possible for him to derive from them various consequences that serve as explanations and predictions .
8 He admired Jotan 's detachment , and concluded that it was the lack of direct involvement which made it possible for him to behave as if nothing had occurred which could be the source of concern .
9 It would be possible for him to wear her down , so she must be ultra-careful and protect herself .
10 If the patient had hobbies before his stroke or head injury , such as drawing , painting or needlepoint , you should try to make it possible for him to take them up again .
11 He lays down the only terms on which it is possible for him to take up residence with his people .
12 On the same day , the eighteenth of October , Mr came back and spoke to Miss about this telephone call and he rang Peter in the afternoon of that Friday and he asked again if it was possible to withdraw because of the landlord 's failure to consent to the er assignment and again er after what will er be described as a fairly easy discussion between the plaintiff and er Mr , er he was told very clearly that it was not possible for him to withdraw , contracts had been exchanged and he was advised that what the landlords er failure to consent did was in fact er provide Mr with more breathing space in order to obtain proper funding and re-arrange his finances er , that again is denied .
13 He has to do what it is morally possible for him to do in the circumstances .
14 What it means is that as life ‘ is not a single straight line ’ he does what he thinks must be done and what it is morally possible for him to do in situations of moral dilemma .
15 Carter , on the other hand , not only had big majorities , but was a centrist ideologically — a self-proclaimed fiscal conservative who was also a liberal on civil rights , the environment and education , making it possible for him to straddle the historical division in the Democratic party .
16 It had not always been possible for him to observe the phenomenon on his own .
17 To help in this , we asked Paul Ingouf if it would be possible for him to obtain maps and plans of the Harbour , and to mark the spot where the aircraft crashed .
18 It was a belief in a designing and orderly God which made it possible for him to think there might be a consistent cause for his ‘ headaches ’ .
19 Because the hypnotherapist is present the whole time and observing the patient 's reactions , it is also possible for him to know when to introduce the detachment technique which will ensure that no distress is suffered .
20 His acceptance of what he calls ‘ the doctrine of the manyness of reality ’ , by which he probably means that reality can be conceived of in many different ways , makes it possible for him to approve of the non-creative aspect of God as propounded by the Jains , and the creative aspect of God as propounded by Rāmānuja the foremost exponent of the Viśi ādvaita position .
21 I provided the calm , the cleanliness , the order and nourish-ment that made it possible for him to work .
22 Within this simple framework of social resentment it was soon possible for him to nurture an obsessive anti-Semitism , which seems at first to have no specific origin in his emotional experience .
23 And why did he do it when it was perfectly possible for him to have experimented on any cadaver purchased by him for his medical academy ?
24 It was n't possible for him to have vanished like that .
25 Chris Law , who had calculated it was possible for him to stay in the series , led the fleet after a blinding first beat sailed in a wind of 20 knots .
26 That afternoon he saw the King , who tried to dissuade him , but , as lying George V recorded it : ‘ He assured me that it was absolutely necessary for him to appeal to the Country as he had gone so far that it was not possible for him to change his mind . ’ ’
27 Thus it was possible for him to find his own men in the army which he was attacking .
28 Although the first two rounds of this year 's Davis Cup , one week after the Australian Open and then a week after Lipton , made it possible for him to fit them into his tournament programme for the first three months of the year when his number one ranking was under such threat , he says , ‘ The Davis Cup is certainly one of my priorities now . ’
29 I can not promise a statement , but the hon. Gentleman knows that it will be possible for him to raise the matter at other times , such as on the Adjournment .
30 If we have such a debate , it will be possible for him to raise this matter , as he will be able to do on other occasions .
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