Example sentences of "[adj] to [Wh det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 6 One movement in a single section but in two different versions ( no. 5 ) has a timing , but it is not clear to which version this timing relates ; however , the composer 's autograph direction , ‘ Point viste , mais marque ’ and those given in the Cauvin MS ( Versailles , Bibl. mun. , Ms mus 226 ) and the 1729 edition ( ‘ Rondement et marque ’ ) , together with the stated desire on the first folio to shorten the work , strongly suggest that it is the shorter version of 60 bars to which this timing applies .
2 It is not clear to what degree the kinship defenders would want to preserve the link with biological parents who are in no way the psychological parents as well — that is , how much they value the blood tie as such .
3 When he had started to prepare his notes for this occasion , he was overwhelmed by private memories : St Louis was the place of his birth , and Washington University itself owed its foundation to his grandfather ; and when in the lecture he spoke of the characteristics of a national literature , and American literature in particular , as " a strong local flavour combined with an unconscious universality " it is clear to what locale he belongs .
4 It is not clear to what extent the Securitate is now a ‘ state within the state ’ and to what extent it is directly answerable to President Ceausescu , but it is odd that the service 's worst excesses have occurred when the head of state is on an official trip abroad , in this case to Iran .
5 It is not clear to what extent this view was held in the Low Country , but in Kandyan districts at that the ‘ crime is not , it is to be feared , regarded with sufficient gravity among Kandyans , except by the person victimised . ’
6 Very little research has been carried out on domestic wares and it remains far from clear to what extent the domestic and funerary pottery production can be separated .
7 Although this procedure removes the contam-ination of the observer , it is far from clear to what extent adults are able to reconstruct the context of their previous linguistic encounters with children , and how far post hoc interpretations regarding what was said and what was meant are subject to distortion .
8 However it is not at all clear to what extent religious ideals were widely shared , or to what extent communal cultivation was an agreed voluntary process .
9 Furthermore , even if there are net gains to shareholders it is not clear to what extent these result from increased efficiency , and hence represent net social gains , or are the product of what may be socially detrimental increases in market power .
10 It is not at all clear to what extent threats of violence to third parties will negative consent .
11 It is not clear to what extent the planets were exposed to a common population during this late bombardment .
12 It is , though , not entirely clear to what extent they were liable for tax collection and assessment .
13 However , because of the limitations in the design of the study it was not clear to what extent the link between subjective risk and recall was caused by less interesting factors such as the type of memory test used , the fact that risk ratings were previously given by the drivers , and the expectations subjects may have had of what the study was about .
14 It is not clear to what extent these mechanisms are operative in vivo , where extracellular fluid osmolality is usually regulated within a narrow range .
15 It is not altogether clear to what extent these figures reflect high non-completion rates , particularly in the first year , or whether they reflect continuing problems which some groups of students experience throughout their careers in higher education .
16 In conclusion , as a matter of private law it is not clear to what extent Chinese walls prevent attribution of knowledge and provide protection to a firm against liability to a customer for breach of fiduciary duty .
17 It is not clear to what extent reformulations would count as special .
18 Though Bowler came from a similar background to Ricky Stride , he was more responsive to what Minton had to teach him and their conversations opened for him new areas of interest , in art , books and theatre .
19 Enthoven argued that by separating the purchase of health care from its provision and management , and subjecting providers to an element of competition for contracts , providers would now have a financial incentive to cut costs , improve quality and be more responsive to what consumers wanted .
20 And yet it ends by striking a note that is not altogether happy , nor altogether adequate to what Eliot had said earlier .
21 First , there is the consideration that we are dealing with a phase of human ego-evolution in which language probably barely existed at all and in which a sophisticated awareness of inner conflicts — what today we would call insight — could barely have existed either ( indeed , as we shall see later on , it is doubtful to what extent it exists even today ! ) .
22 ‘ All the same though , Pat , what I 'm doing with you is not really any different to what Lizzy did with the drugs .
23 I think in essence I mean many of our students are doing nothing different to what students at other universities do when they go and have a private party in their lodgings .
24 The football world is a completely different world even it 's different to what people would be used to you know here .
25 Only in the late 1970s did many schools begin to use pupil profiles and records of achievement similar to what Newsom had recommended . ]
26 In fact the six-year-old is saying things remarkably similar to what Ludwig Wittgenstein says in The Blue Book .
27 Because there is a way forward , it is about negotiation , it is about hunt the hunting community , it is about sharing ideas and looking for a way forward , going forward from here , well to turn a blind eye to what goes on and vote for that amendment is very similar to what Hitler did in Germany fifty years ago .
28 It 's important that if you do get an ache or a strain , treat it with a specialised spray similar to what trainers use with injured athletes which can either heat up an area or cool it rapidly , bringing relief .
29 So your role is more a checking and writing one , similar to what Helen .
30 In many ways this huge and fascinating archive will provide for students of late twentieth-century British politics something similar to what Francis Place has left for the historian of the early nineteenth century .
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