Example sentences of "[adj] to [noun sg] over " in BNC.

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1 Fatigue fractures , by their very nature , are more prevalent in structures that have been subject to stress over a long period of time .
2 We can then see that any person 's inclination to acknowledge obligations and responsibilities to specific relatives is subject to change over time in ways which are patterned and predictable , at least in part .
3 Finally , it is emphasised that conditions in the eurobond market are subject to change over time , secularly as well as cyclically .
4 Some values , attitudes and emotions have been subject to modification over time , but the essential orientations outlined above have not been discarded .
5 Got Ohm 's Law , current is equal to voltage over resistance , well we have n't changed voltage , we 've kept that fixed .
6 The suggestion made there is that it is only equitable that the jurisdiction can not be exercised against a creditor unless the same conditions are applicable to him at the time he receives the payment as are applicable to jurisdiction over the debtor .
7 In fact the Champenois are now moving away from the use of boues in favour of cendres-noires , but apparently this is not due to concern over the cadmium problem , it is because the boues is now more expensive than mining lignite deposits , due to the high price being paid by refuse-fuelled energy plants .
8 Tessa , eight , was due to hand over the flowers when Di arrived at the Freshfield drug counselling service in Truro , Cornwall .
9 Because the ability of breastfeeding to sustain the period of infecundity due to amenorrhoea over long periods depends , inter alia , upon the frequency and intensity of suckling , and in the light of the generalized view that lengthy spacing is essential to child survival , in most African and some other societies , breastfeeding is reinforced by abstinence .
10 I 've been worried to death over you ’ , I says , ‘ wondering where you was ’ .
11 Sources believe Microsoft Corp may be preparing to take Sun Microsystems Inc to court over WABI , the Windows-on-Solaris software that SunSoft Inc is expected to bundle with x86 , the new Solaris-on-Intel operating system .
12 Microsoft Corp may be preparing to take Sun Microsystems Inc to court over the WABI Windows Applications Binary Interface that SunSoft Inc is expected to bundle with Solaris x86 , the new Solaris-on-iAPX-86 operating system , sources tell our sister paper Unigram.X .
13 If you leave them lying around , then you 're liable to trip over them .
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