Example sentences of "[adj] to [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It follows from the supposition , mooted earlier in this book , that whilst all other species are capable of the enjoyment of sensations , both pleasant and unpleasant , peculiar to their kinds , the human species is capable of experiencing all sensations , of all kinds , and from all sources .
2 The narrower the range of comparison , the surer we shall be that the stylistic features we are attributing to Jane Austen are peculiar to her style , rather than to the style of a larger category of writings " which includes hers .
3 On the basis of many years ' detailed observation of infants , they argue for the existence of what they call ‘ innate intersubjectivity ’ as a universal motivation , present in the newborn and peculiar to our species , that leads the child to acquire symbolic understanding .
4 Chris Phillipson , for example , recognizing the precedents to be found in earlier centuries , and acknowledging the ‘ historical consistency ’ of attitudes to older people as a reserve army of labour , maintains , nevertheless , that ‘ what is peculiar to our period is the scale of marginalization and the increase in the number of people directly involved ’ .
5 On 16 January a provincial council of the southern clergy met at St Paul 's and added further impetus and justification to deposition by presenting thirteen of their own complaints or grievances against the king , though none of these concerned an offence peculiar to his reign .
6 James Beck 's long awaited monograph looks at the man and his achievement ; in his pages , Jacopo della Quercia is championed as the least provincial and most ‘ Italian ’ of fifteenth-century sculptors , an artist sensible to his environs , constantly adjusting his own stylistic language , and eventually producing an individual synthesis of classical , gothic , and contemporary influences in his major works .
7 Are the accents strongly regional and therefore perhaps unfamiliar to your students ?
8 This may help you identify visual elements which are unfamiliar to your students and would therefore make it easier to decide how much emphasis you should give to them and how you might introduce them .
9 Wallich undoubtedly felt that this recognition was too little and too late , remaining bitter and resentful to his death , 31 March 1899 , which took place in London .
10 ‘ They are faithful to their lords ’ , wrote William of Malmesbury of the Normans , ‘ but swift to break faith for a slight occasion .
11 The compilers of the whole narrative , working at the time of the exile in Babylonia , were convinced that the catastrophe had overtaken their people because they and their kings had not been faithful to their God .
12 American books often used the whole alphabet , but were not consistent , some printers being faithful to their origins , some insisting on independence .
13 The effects of Basque nationalism have threatened to destabilise the Spanish state ; anti-nationalists living in the northern Spanish province of Navarra try to limit its spread by promoting regionalism — they campaign for the autonomy of Navarra while remaining faithful to their patria , Spain .
14 HOLLYWOOD celebs may not be faithful to their partners but , according to Dr Andrew Geeley 's new book Faithful Attraction , most Americans do n't cheat .
15 Their passion for raiding has declined in recent years , but in most other respects their lifestyles have changed little in centuries , and the rugs they make today remain faithful to their ancestors ' methods of weaving and repertoire of designs .
16 The characteristic Christian theme was most at variance with pagan assumptions in that bishops asked husbands to be as faithful to their wives as they expected their wives to be to them .
17 ‘ I do n't think , ’ the wife of the late , great , womanising US president once observed , ‘ that there are any men who are faithful to their wives . ’
18 The book is a stampede , faithful to its title and its Epigraph which is the story of the Gadarene swine possessed by devils and rushing into the lake of Galilee and drowning themselves .
19 In addition , it is most important that the case management service remains faithful to its models , or at least , if changes are required these are explicitly acknowledged and change measures and performance indicators altered to reflect the new focus .
20 All the marriage rites emphasize that while her fertility is her main asset , she must be faithful to her husband so that the legitimacy of her children should be beyond doubt .
21 We have always remained faithful to our roots in the trade protection movement and we take pride in the fact that we have maintained our independence for one hundred and fifty years .
22 Edward I provided a useful source of potential support against Capetian bullying , and in 1282 Jean de Grilly wrote to Robert Burnell and Odo de Grandson , that Armagnac is and always remains faithful to our lord the king' .
23 Word spinner , weaver , faithful to your past ,
24 Conrad , who had remained faithful to his oath to Frederick , achieved a six-month truce and the setting up of a tribunal , consisting of eight princes from each side , which was to meet under his presidency between Andernach and Coblenz on 28 July 1200 .
25 Although his marriage has become loveless , he has remained faithful to his wife , simply because he has experienced the faithfulness of God .
26 Kevin Irving 's ‘ father ’ writes to admit that he 's Pope , Chas F Garvey 's that he has been faithful to his wife for 42 years , and Mark Ambrose 's that he has a dash of myxomatosis ( to be fair , the father is a rabbit ) .
27 He was by no means an inhumane individual ; he was a loving father , he was faithful to his wife for many years and to his mistress until death .
28 He was faithful to his wife — except for an occasional nurse , which she had to agree did n't count — and was n't into drugs or gambling or politics .
29 And though God remained faithful to his side of the agreement , and looked after his people wonderfully down the centuries , it was not very satisfactory as a covenant .
30 Faithful to his orders , she had no fears for the morrow .
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