Example sentences of "[adj] [that] she would " in BNC.

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1 In a public display of Cabinet loyalty , Douglas Hurd , Foreign Secretary , and John Major , Chancellor of the Exchequer , signed Mrs Thatcher 's nomination papers and the Prime Minister again made clear that she would be prepared to fight through three ballots if necessary .
2 Gradually she got used to thinking of Angel as Corrie , but it soon became clear that she would never be able to claim her as her own .
3 She listens to him more than anyone , and it was his will which prevailed when she composed last year 's Christmas speech , in which she made it clear that she would never abdicate .
4 But it became clear that she would soon have to go out in the rain and get a bus to their sister convent .
5 Hillary Clinton has made it clear that she would have her own part to play after husband Bill was swept to power .
6 Even at this early stage of contact between white and black in Britain , it is clear that she would have been building on already existing racial caricature and prejudice rather than creating an artificial tide of hostility against black people .
7 And , although she never actually put it into words she had made it perfectly clear that she would put him out of business if he did n't agree to her terms .
8 Gazzer had been afraid that she would say something like : ‘ Well , you need n't have bothered ! ’ or ‘ You and whose army ! ’
9 When she had made the rounds of the many churches in Lynne , she was ‘ urged in her soul to go and visit certain places for ghostly health ’ , and her husband , either from kindness , or afraid that she would get into trouble , accompanied her .
10 " The sepoys are very quiet , " the Collector called to Harry conversationally to stop him weeping , because now Lucy was starting and he was afraid that she would spoil the powder by dropping tears into the flask .
11 Somehow she was afraid that she would discover things she was better not knowing .
12 It was odd that she would have her own servant , Isabel mused vaguely .
13 Now it looked quite possible that she would n't need the services of an agency after all — that was , if Luke Travis offered her the job , and if she decided to accept .
14 Sorry that Oliver had gone , or sorry that she would be alone ?
15 He looked so thunderous that she would have run had she been able , but the chance did not arise .
16 It was only once she was sure that Emily was asleep that she would pull out her plastic bag and get down to work .
17 It 's understandable that she would want to resume her acting career after having children .
18 Claudia did n't know Garry , or even his surname ; Dana had always had men in her life , but she had n't seemed serious about any of them , and so far Claudia had hoped in vain that she would find someone to love and to provide the anchor she 'd been missing so badly since their mother had died .
19 Her maternal instincts would be so strong that she would be unable to resist their calls for help and would soon approach them , pick them up individually in her mouth and place them in her bed .
20 Just as before she had needed to stay inside the cottage , fearful that she would miss Johnny if he should come , now she needed to be away , out there where her world was still turning , and people laughed and played and did ordinary things .
21 She had more or less accepted that she would go to hell for her crime , and did not much care what would happen to her after death .
22 Mrs Lynda Chalker , who lost her Wallasey seat to Labour , said yesterday she was delighted that she would remain Overseas Development Minister .
23 They had made her feel so confident that , from the moment Shine On had jumped off , she had been utterly convinced that she would win .
24 If she had not been so fit as she is then I am convinced that she would have died .
25 I conceded that it might have been wiser , and indeed more seemly , to have consulted her before a decision was reached ; but I did not add that I had advised the Prime Minister to agree to a meeting over her head because I was convinced that she would never accept a challenge to her authority .
26 That summer her island trip was to Thásos , and I was particularly glad that she would go there as it entails flying to Kaválla , which can be the most desirable flight that a woman can make in Greece .
27 It was so damned unfair that she would never see them .
28 It was unfortunate that she would meet the traveller at the darkest point of the path .
29 He had said he was a very good friend of Danny , Carrie 's brother , and it was likely that she would see him sometime in the future .
30 ‘ There is no doubt that had Mavis Thomas arrived in the department prior to her cardiac arrest , then it is likely that she would not have died .
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