Example sentences of "[adj] [that] he might " in BNC.

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1 On the arrival day he considered going to meet Maggie in Carrick but he was afraid that he might miss her and decided to go to Boyle .
2 During those peaceful weeks Modigliani would occasionally break out from his comfortable existence , as if afraid that he might become sucked into bourgeois life .
3 There were no villages , no farms in sight as he slowed down , afraid that he might drive past the narrow track leading to the abandoned church and its separate bell tower .
4 When neighbours tried to visit , she had Jennifer send them away , and when they said Mr Drew might be coming down to call on her , she became very agitated because the last thing she wanted was a turncoat parson at her deathbed , and she was so afraid that he might confiscate her silver Madonna that she had Jennifer take it from her neck and put round her own .
5 Hope was trembling and afraid that he might give too much away .
6 Afraid that he might guess at her deceit , she began talking , laughing , making plans , distracting his attention from what she had wickedly led him to believe .
7 He made a sort of feeble pretence of being afraid that he might lose his head .
8 This business of him going missing … ’ began the Brigadier , ‘ It 's possible that he might have been involved in something big .
9 It was unlikely , but just possible that he might have news of John .
10 If he had not met Sara Monroe and seen the hostility in her eyes , it is possible that he might still have refused the legacy , inconvenient though it would have been .
11 Now he strode out not apprehensive that he might have lost contact with that gift of powerful calm which had so effectively stilled the thresh of his emotions , but confident that as soon as he reached the Point and stood as and where he had first stopped — the experience would be renewed and reinforced , the key would fit the lock .
12 He does not consider it necessary to examine the patients who consult him , and he seemed unaware that he might be failing to detect serious conditions , symptoms of which a patient might erroneously have associated with diet .
13 He would miss her when she 'd gone , certainly , and it was not impossible that he might be driven to drink away his grief , resulting in one of his rare fits of violent temper .
14 His tone of voice was so bland that he might as well have been asking my opinion of Wavebreaker 's sea-keeping qualities .
15 She was nervous that he might change his mind at the last minute , but he did not do so .
16 How do you know she 's left you ? ’ asked Pascoe , still suspicious that he might be listening to the self-deceiving euphemism of murder .
17 His father had been ‘ under the weather , since July , and Lewis was half-aware that he might be coming home for the last time .
18 ‘ But now I am concerned that he might have a different response this year ! ’
19 The last act had been unsatisfactory and he wanted to provide a more effective resolution ; he was also concerned that he might have gone too far in removing the " poetry " from his dramatic verse .
20 Because of this , he was less concerned that he might be considered by society at large as an unskilled ‘ yokel ’ — even if he was aware of the opinion of the world outside .
21 He was concerned that he might miss the turning , but fresh granite chippings gleamed white in his headlights and he turned off , ruefully aware of the wear and tear on his tyres , to say nothing of the suspension .
22 I also heard of a former Scottish internationalist who felt obliged to leave the ground 15 minutes before the end concerned that he might otherwise lose his temper and respond to provocation .
23 The acknowledgement of service enables the defendant 's solicitor to correct any misnomer in the writ unless , of course , it is so fundamental that he might not accept service at all .
24 Peeping at him sideways , curiously pleased that he might be jealous , she asked , ‘ Does it bother you ?
25 Was he ever worried that he might get stuck with teenage roles ?
26 ‘ Were you never worried that he might start manufacturing again ? ’
27 I was more worried that he might fall over and hurt himself .
28 He initially did not appear worried that he might lose staff as a consequence , in the way that Egon Zehnder left Spencer Stuart and Norman , Broadbent et al .
29 He was anxious about travelling , and worried that he might miss his train or enter by accident the wrong one : this was a fear that seems to have lingered since his youth when , as he said , " I found a variety of calamities to worry about .
30 So he 's got to be careful , and he 's worried that he might give himself away by some tiny flicker of expression .
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