Example sentences of "[adj] [that] [pron] is " in BNC.

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1 It is quite clear that nothing is missing from the other end of the Interludium as it was copied on to this vellum : the vellum had already been cut to its surviving top edge by the time the Interludium came to be written on to it .
2 Reaction to the latest rise makes it clear that everyone is watching out for another eruption of internal discord on the exchange rate between Sir Alan Walters in Downing Street , and Mr Lawson in the Treasury .
3 Thus when analysing organisational goals , one must be clear that one is referring to the objectives officially sanctioned in the organisation , and not to the goals that organisations pursue .
4 It should be clear that what is being suggested here is not the creation of new precincts as islands in the traffic-orientated city , or indeed the forcing of new pedestrian underpasses through the existing road net .
5 It is clear that what is necessary in such a case is research , not dogmatic and perfectly arbitrary claims , based on analogies to that small part of the experimental literature in which one happens to be interested .
6 With Rousseau and Robespierre it is clear that what is being offered is not a support for Christian belief , but a rival .
7 It is clear that what is at issue here is more than geographical inequalities in the pattern of employment and unemployment , even in their broader social implications .
8 The paragraph should , in my judgment , be amended so as to make clear that what is being sought is an order for steps to be taken restoring all the parties to the respective transactions to their former position .
9 In other situations , however , PH 's pattern of responding makes it clear that he is recognizing familiar faces at an unconscious level .
10 Some will think him a spiritual butterfly , some an intellectual too ready to be hoodwinked ; but his searching has a definite progress to it , and the heights and depths encountered in this book make it clear that he is getting somewhere , often against his own will and inclination .
11 Although it is clear that he is committed to making changes , he has taken up fluent corporation-speak surprisingly quickly .
12 Although negotiations are continuing between Ken Bates , the Chelsea chairman , and John Duggan , his counterpart at Cabra , the latter has made it clear that he is unhappy with the alternative deal proposed by the club .
13 From the outset , Cohn makes it very clear that he is bent on taking a walk on the wild side , to chronicle the lives of the losers he meets along this small strip of the Great American Nowhere .
14 Taylor made it clear that he is not happy with Platt , scorer of England 's last five goals and widely regarded as the manager 's favourite footballing son .
15 From his own statements , it is clear that he is word-perfect in his familiarity with the prophetic books of the Old Testament , can quote them at will , can move among them with the facility and expertise of a professional scholar .
16 Even without knowing the standpoint of Snowden , it is clear that he is condemnatory .
17 Mark 's promise that the Holy Spirit will look after their words when arraigned before councils for the sake of the gospel is brought into the Mission Charge by Matthew : it seems clear that he is looking forward from an isolated incident in the ministry of Jesus to the continuing mission of the post-resurrection church of which he was a member .
18 It makes it a criminal offence for the advertiser to fail to make it clear that he is selling in the course of a business .
19 As the right hon. Gentleman was Chancellor before it started and has been Prime Minister throughout its course , is it not clear that he is not only the Prime Minister of recession , but the prime cause of recession ?
20 On the question of cancellation charges and other matters , the Minister has made it clear that he is not prepared to talk in terms of sums .
21 Medicine Mr Portillo has made clear that he is examining every possible area of Government spending in the task of cutting the bill before the Chancellor 's next budget in November .
22 In the British case ( and Saunders makes it clear that he is generalising about the home in British society ) the best way in which the occupant of a house can acquire ontological security is through being its owner .
23 In the passage above , she makes clear that she is not interested in conventional love poetry , but in describing something closer to her actual way of life .
24 You should make it clear that she is welcome to entertain any of her friends at home at reasonable times , and help her to cater for this if necessary .
25 When Susan exposes her breasts to the already randy workmen by standing topless at an open window , the implication is clear that she is ‘ asking ’ for the eventual rape .
26 She 's made it clear that she is not about to be scared off by terrorist threats . ’
27 ‘ Let it be made quite clear that there is no doubt about the position of my government ; Germany stands fully behind the Single European Act and its objectives , ’ Dr Kohl declared .
28 This time it comes from God 's own lips , the crime of Hophni and Phinehas is declared to be blasphemy , Eli is condemned for not restraining them , and the speech ends with a divine oath making it irrevocably clear that there is nothing these three priests can do to ward off the coming disaster .
29 Nevertheless , it is also clear that there is scope for increasing the agricultural production of the crofts .
30 The author has recently travelled throughout the USA where it is clear that there is dissatisfaction with the devolution of functions to the states without accompanying funds .
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