Example sentences of "[adj] [that] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It left open the question of whose money had paid for the House of Fraser but made clear that nothing in the career of Mr Mohamed Al Fayed could account for such new-found wealth .
2 He moved slowly , according to Nithard , " wanting to know which way things would go before he crossed the Alps " ; only when it had become clear that plenty of support would be forthcoming did he decide to claim " the whole empire " .
3 It was also clear that something about the young man made him intensely uncomfortable .
4 As the months have passed , it his become clear that something like a campaign of disinformation has been waged , for reasons which can still only be guessed at .
5 Both the Foreign Secretary and the Prime Minister have made clear that we in Britain reject the idea of a federal superstate .
6 When the rosy spectacles are laid aside , it is clear that what to the husband and children can be a refreshing hobby — after all they are more often than not the consumers , not the producers , of the home-made jam — to the wife can be another variant of the natural mother image and in everyday terms can mean longer than ever hours at the chopping board .
7 In 1981 , for example , Professor William Baxter , in Accounting Standards — Boon or Curse ? ( in Accounting and Business Research ) , made it clear that he at least did not consider that uniform measurement rules were a boon .
8 There was disappointment , however , as it became clear that none of the 10 water companies are likely to get into the FTSE index of the hundred biggest companies .
9 The director of a bank in Ljubljana has said ( Politika , 8 October 1987 ) : ‘ It is clear that none of us has become a director without the approval of the Party 's cadres section .
10 From our results , it is clear that none of the mutations introduced in the different tRNA Asp variants considerably affected the synthesis of m 2 G at positions in the aminoacyl-stem and D-stem ( Table 1 ) .
11 But although the literature on these questions is very large and continually increasing , it is very clear that none of the specialists concerned know any of the answers .
12 Yet it is one of the most distinctive brachiopods in the whole record and it has internal structures which make it clear that none of the abundant brachiopods in the strata above or below could possibly be classified as even distant relations .
13 We have made it explicitly clear that none of the changes that we propose , either in tax or in national insurance contributions , will make a penny difference to any individual earning less than £21,000 a year .
14 It is just conceivable that something like this might have happened had there been a Communist government in France .
15 We as magistrates do try and be consistent in our sentencing er throughout the country , I think it 's beholden on the police to be consistent in their approach to offenders , as well , and it seems quite wrong that someone in Folkestone gets away with doing something with a guy in Wigan er goes before the court .
16 Barrie Lamb , chairman of the Darlington Railway Preservation Society , explained : ‘ Quite a few historians have written about this building but it seems a bit odd that none of them knew the exact date it opened .
17 It is always a possible that something like this will happen .
18 Rob Andrew , Craig Chalmers and Ralph Keyes may not be everyone 's cups of tea and it 's quite possible that someone like Colin Stephens may turn out to be a far greater player , but for England , Scotland and Ireland each one has shown that he is virtually indispensable .
19 It is possible that none of the top three will take the honours , for Edinburgh Civil Service are once again coming with a tremendous run , reminiscent of last season , when they fell at the final hurdle .
20 The experience made me deeply grateful that nothing of the same kind , at least with current technology , can be deduced from prose .
21 Yet again he had reason to be grateful that no-one in Vienna argued with a uniform .
22 Alfred was suddenly extremely grateful that none of his colleagues knew of Beatrice Throgmorton 's place in his life .
23 She slipped quietly out of the hotel , grateful that none of the other cast members were around to witness her departure , and made her way to the car park .
24 In fact , she could only be profoundly grateful that none of her business colleagues or any of her smart friends back in London was able to see her looking so awful .
25 He though that we had grown apart from him and he became upset that none of us were around him any more , talking to him any more .
26 Your next action today is to set a standard that everyone in your team attends a conference at least once every six months .
27 Yes but the trouble about it is that the English are so insular that lots of them do n't , do n't realize it or wo n't believe it .
28 WITH ALL THIS BRAVADO it 's rather ironic that none of the performers would tell me their real names .
29 ‘ It is doubly appalling that someone in a professional capacity is involved in this sort of thing .
30 [ more calmly ] I am now convinced that nothing but religious considerations and a resolution to watch over the very first appearances of evil can be of sufficient weight to keep steady to his good purpose a vain young man .
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