Example sentences of "[adj] [that] [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 In my compartment two Frenchmen and a Spaniard were losing their pay to a tiny Glaswegian who excelled at poker ; he had already won most of the hands and was trying to explain in broad Scottish that he was open to credit arrangements .
2 It is quite clear that nothing is missing from the other end of the Interludium as it was copied on to this vellum : the vellum had already been cut to its surviving top edge by the time the Interludium came to be written on to it .
3 Such problems received considerable attention at this time ; it is clear that nothing was being taken for granted .
4 ‘ Why else did you tell me about Cherith — except to make it clear that nothing was on offer here except a little temporary pleasure ?
5 Reaction to the latest rise makes it clear that everyone is watching out for another eruption of internal discord on the exchange rate between Sir Alan Walters in Downing Street , and Mr Lawson in the Treasury .
6 As experimenters came under pressure to test their laboratory theories in the forests themselves , it became increasingly clear that whatever was killing the forests , it was not a single known pollutant .
7 Thus when analysing organisational goals , one must be clear that one is referring to the objectives officially sanctioned in the organisation , and not to the goals that organisations pursue .
8 We have made that clear from the start , and we have also made clear that we are more than happy with the results .
9 It helps to solve our problems with Chrissie and Fred by making it clear that we are doing something about the food costs .
10 Once again , it would seem clear that we are dealing with the same individual , whose militant nationalism it was deemed expedient to conceal .
11 It is clear that we are witness to a deeply sardonic vision of an industry that , despite its sugar-coated exterior , is both corrupt and cannibalistic .
12 And it will they made it quite clear that we are way ahead particularly of people like the S and T
13 We have already made clear that we are determined to encourage management-employee buy-outs .
14 We want to make it clear that we are talking about a career that is structured so that both sexes can be successfully employed in it . ’
15 However , long before this immediate question arose , we and our partners — and , I believe , the whole world — made it clear that we are not prepared to recognise the alteration of boundaries by force .
16 We have made it absolutely clear that we are determined that Plymouth should have a good future .
17 We have made it clear that we are disappointed at the figures revealed in the latest survey by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys of tobacco consumption by young people .
18 ’ . Under Para 10 , the Royal Botanic Gardens are specifically mentioned , so it is clear that we are expected to comply with this Directive .
19 We need first to make clear that we are focusing here on searchable , electronic databases , information structures which offer a potentially networked service to users .
20 I mean , we , it was very nearly went through had a meeting which had the press and public excluded and I think it was not handled well at that time from and we should make it quite clear that we are watching and hopefully we do understand the situation .
21 Our audiences are clear that we are the most trusted source of information and news in Britain .
22 The time has come for us all to speak out , to make it clear that we are behind her in feeling that we need someone new at the helm . ’
23 But we , w we as of nineteen forty nine or early nineteen fifty , it 's clear that we are , there , there , there 's nothing to stop us now going ahead with land reforms , there is no question it 's going to happen
24 Now what I would like to say is that we 've made clear that we 're with certain very clear objectives in pushing forward , in saying that certain things had to be achieved and when I read the lilac piece of paper or whatever colour we want to call it .
25 The meeting broke up with mixed feelings , but after a few days it became clear that we were in business .
26 Our terms of reference made it clear that we were to concern ourselves with the English curriculum for all pupils , whatever their mother tongue .
27 It was clear that we were about to interview a corporate treasure .
28 Harrison did n't exactly avoid us , but he made it clear that we were not to hang around his neck .
29 That was one of the reasons why , when we set up Headline , I called myself sales and publicity director , as opposed to marketing director , because I wanted to make it perfectly clear that we were a combined department .
30 ‘ It is clear that we were able to demonstrate to the ministry that we are able to do the work and give value for money .
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