Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With knowledge of the particular error , it is possible to implement some correction algorithms .
2 It is possible to obtain some guidance in selecting project leaders from the work of J. Gooch of Brunel University .
3 It was usual to extract some form of guarantee in exchange for party support but the secrecy prevented such undertakings from being enforced .
4 Thus , the fragmented structure of The Green House , which changes in form , style , time , place and protagonists every few pages , conveys an image of Peru as a disunited nation , divided by geography , levels of development , culture , race and class , and of the world as a chaotic labyrinth in which disoriented individuals struggle in vain to find some coherence .
5 However , where comparisons can be made with alternative sources of data , and where it is possible to provide some evidence to counter the possibility that the findings are due purely to ‘ data collection ’ effects , we can perhaps arrive at some tentative conclusions .
6 It would obviously be possible to provide some kind of assistance here .
7 Or if an adult hospital patient with young children is known to be terminally ill , it should be possible to provide some kind of support for the spouse and the children in preparation for their loss , in order that they may work through their grief and come to terms with their new situation .
8 We have become so used to spiteful obituaries that it was pleasant to find some kind thoughts about a dead writer .
9 The piece includes a great deal of descriptive colour ; only try it if you feel you can bring something of your own imagination to it , and be prepared to risk some indulgence .
10 September , when the landscape is still green , can be very nice if you are prepared to risk some rain .
11 They are so strongly committed to their unionism that they are prepared to go some way towards moving some of their evangelical principles into the area of private life and personal choice , rather than alienate non-evangelical unionists .
12 Washington even seemed prepared to go some way towards meeting the desire of the USSR to revise the treaties relating to the rights of passage by warships through the Straits between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean — an issue with a long and complicated history reaching back into tsarist times .
13 ‘ Any woman can have a confident and attractive aura if she is prepared to invest some time , energy and a little money into evolving her own personal style ’ .
14 In order to maintain a proper balance in your life , you must be prepared to allocate some time to yourself each day .
15 Indeed , in extreme cases , it may be sensible to organise some form of help even before the nursing expert reports to avoid the argument that such help has only been obtained on the expert 's advice .
16 A great many theoretical physicists would be prepared to express some unease about the conceptual foundations of quantum mechanics — in particular , about Copenhagen orthodoxy — but only a tiny fraction of them ever direct serious attention to such questions .
17 B Find out more about the type of surgery performed on your ward , ask questions and be prepared to do some reading to help your understanding .
18 You must be prepared to give some time to experimenting with various yarns and tensions until the quality of woven fabric feels just right .
19 Provided both are prepared to give some ground it is possible to sort out roles afresh and to plan new patterns for the marriage .
20 Their generosity was appreciated being so willing to give some time explaining to a fellow enthusiast the intricacies of steaming a locomotive for the first time and the difficulties which had been experienced in the rebuilding process .
21 The fact that these values were linked with a conspicuous material investment in the library premises clearly corresponded to one criterion which the Coordinating Team took into account ; namely , that a school is not only interested in developing heuristic pedagogies but also willing to put some money and energy into the library as the appropriate central facility .
22 The study also found tribunals frequently willing to attribute some contribution to the dismissal to the employee , which operates like a finding of contributory negligence to reduce the compensation payable .
23 It may be inadvisable to disclose some information in the information memorandum such as the names of major customers and suppliers in the analyses of sales and purchases .
24 It is therefore fair to say that , as a general rule , the courts are prepared to imply some degree of mobility into every contract of employment but this is likely to be limited unless the nature of the job or work performed by the employee is one where mobility would be recognised by both sides as being essential to the job .
25 Although the government suggested that it was prepared to offer some degree of autonomy to the island , the prospect of losing the tax revenue from the mine , together with the potential effect upon other provinces within the country 's ethnically diverse structure , suggested that the government would be unprepared to accept BRA 's stated aim of full independence .
26 Fears of what might happen in the East are one reason EC leaders have been willing to offer some help to those on the other side of the broken Berlin Wall .
27 If a long time is spent teaching pupils how to present work and arguments neatly , insisting on underlined headings , dates , and sharp pencils , there are going to be problems convincing them that rough work is valuable and that you are prepared to spend some time looking at it .
28 This solution might be acceptable if the Vendor is prepared to take some responsibility for the accuracy of the management accounts — because otherwise the Purchaser will not know where he is
29 Lots of men I know are prepared to take some time ensuring their children 's food is fresh and safe , once they understand the issues . ’
30 These commands will do the job but , if you are willing to spend some money , there are programs available which will make the whole process much easier , even automating back-ups so that your data is kept fully secure at all times .
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