Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In four days time , Karen King was due to go to her Aunt Jane 's on the Isle of Man , still hoping to persuade Jessica to join her on the boat .
2 The battle at the creek had begun , and they were far too undone to go to it .
3 All right , I thought ; yes , it 's womanish to go to him , but they 're poor times , and maybe an astrologer 's a rug to put over you when you 're wintering .
4 Because they would be still free to go to their parties and they they would n't be affecting neighbours in that way .
5 King John may have been willing to agree to anything , even the dismemberment of his kingdom , in order to ensure that he did not die in prison ; but , as Professor Fowler remarked , the treaty was ‘ so preposterous that it is difficult to believe that it was ever intended seriously ’ .
6 They seemed to have a different attitude to the lecturers and were not afraid to go to them for elucidation of points they did not fully understand , and in tutorials showed their wider knowledge , and their readiness to think for themselves rather than just reproduce what they had learned from textbooks and lectures .
7 He realized that there must be meetings , and he was prepared to go to them and fire off his battery of buzz words which signified he was ‘ one of us ’ .
8 More than half a million people are treated for sexually transmitted diseases each year — and many more go untreated because they either do not recognise symptoms or are too embarrassed to go to their doctor .
9 Within a few years , most Boards felt that the Consultative Councils helped to defuse individual complaints and to present a favourable image to the public , and were willing to defer to them on some matters of general policy of an essentially political or presentational nature , such as priorities in rural electrification or aspects of domestic charging .
10 They embraced briefly and I heard her say quietly , ‘ Remember I shall always love you and if there 's anything I can do or that you want , do n't be afraid to come to me . ’
11 ‘ T was to stop you becoming completely distraught , but I was afraid to look at you , afraid to come to you that night in case I saw fear or revulsion in your eyes . ’
12 Such an appeal was not to be resisted , but first I had to tell Meehan that if I did look into his case , I must feel myself free to come to whatever conclusions my investigations led me , ‘ whether in your favour or not ’ .
13 I will keep you informed of all important developments but please feel free to write to me or telephone me if you have any questions regarding the progress of your claim .
14 If anybody else has a ‘ working as a mum ’ experience they 'd like to share please feel free to write to us .
15 Please feel free to write to us with your comments .
16 Anyway , after I 'd introduced her to a few different locations and got her over the initial newness of the experience , she seemed perfectly willing to come to me .
17 There might not be anyone around willing to come to your aid next time . ’
18 Accordingly it is interesting to speculate to what extent these attitudes have caused British businessmen to adopt short time-horizons in making decisions — with negative consequences for longer-term growth performance — because their main objective is to acquire sufficient wealth to enable them to move on to the better things in life .
19 They wanted to mention the extension of nursery activities into the home , the importance of talking with the child , of playing together and sharing what has been learnt at nursery — also that staff are willing to listen to what parents have to say about happenings at home , and welcome comment and suggestions from parents .
20 Again I was I was willing to listen to what you got and what was saying
21 Often , all that is required is for individuals to feel that there is someone willing to be supportive and understanding of their feelings , willing to listen to their problems , and to discuss alternative strategies for coping with their social distress .
22 A lot of modern art has tended to be that way , often abstract art , that people think is meaningless , is in fact full of very serious messages if only people are willing to listen to them .
23 I 'm willing , I 'm willing to listen to you !
24 It does not matter how convinced or dogmatic the judge appears to be : keep at him as long as you think you have some hope of success and he is willing to listen to you .
25 You will find that people will confide in you and tell you their secrets and unveil their emotions if you are prepared to listen to them .
26 And , perhaps , since he was not blinded by love after all , he might be prepared to listen to her for once !
27 It 's important that you 're prepared to listen to their advice too !
28 We have to assure counsellees that we are prepared to listen to their difficulties .
29 So I told the press the next morning who were mega grumpy at all of this and I do n't blame them , so when the ceremony started Pat took the stills photographer round to the front and the television guys as the Princess began to inspect er the crew pulled all their gear through the Band of the Royal Marines over their toe caps under the tubas and pressed their cameras under the nose of the Princess Royal which would n't have happened had the Lieutenant Commander been prepared to listen to us and of course you could see him getting angrier and angrier
30 Having done so much good among them , the people were all the more prepared to listen to his teaching .
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