Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] she could " in BNC.

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1 To see them together would be more painful than she could bear .
2 At Pook 's stables the yard was empty although she could hear the horses in their stalls .
3 But things started going a bit wrong before she could start .
4 But she 'd be as cool and calm as she could as she tried to point out to Naylor Massingham the unfairness of his action .
5 ‘ We 'll make a proper job of this ! ’ she declared , and putting her fist into the crown , she forced it up as high as she could push it , and wore the resulting sombrero for the rest of the term .
6 Grinning conspiratorially , she reached up as high as she could , contorting her small body but not quite jumping .
7 She had to stand on her toes and reach up as high as she could with a walking-stick in order to hook the hat off the peg , and even then she only just made it .
8 Trying to look as dignified as she could , under the circumstances , she looked him straight in the eyes , with more than a touch of defiance .
9 She felt physically fitter and more alive than she could ever remember .
10 Had decided to keep it as simple as she could .
11 It was a request from a colleague : he 'd be grateful if she could cast her eye over an article he 'd written for a quarterly journal , by Friday if possible .
12 ‘ She started to grow very short of breath then and the decline was more and more rapid until she could not walk or move around .
13 She was very , very frustrated cos she could n't speak .
14 Which would be fine if she could think of anything even remotely amusing to say , she thought wryly .
15 Erm , with mum i i i is fine because she could from my point of view so , and also as regards the , if anything happens to me , then she gets a pension from the bank she gets
16 Sally-Anne Tunstall , beloved daughter of Senator Jared Tunstall , arguably the richest man in the USA , and his dear wife Mary , niece of Orrin Tunstall , the American ambassador , society beauty , heiress , spoiled child of fortune , who had once thought that the world was her ball to play with , sat on her bed in an East End attic , dressed in her skivvy 's clothing , grieving because she could not consummate her love for a poor doctor who had renounced the world over which she had once reigned .
17 They both seemed to have forgotten Jenna and she was glad because she could feel tears welling up inside , almost a feeling of panic .
18 Elinor was sometimes at a loss for the right word , or name , and then became impatient with herself ; she was often frustrated because she could n't move as swiftly as she did before .
19 I mean , er erm and I went to see her in Park Hospital and she was very frustrat very frustrated because she could n't speak .
20 It was touch-and-go whether she could reach the pram before it either overturned or leapt from the rocky wall at the foot of the bank on to the road , along which traffic was speeding in both directions .
21 Robbie was glad when she could clear away and wash up , relieved when Fen did not offer to help .
22 And so Josie left her there , intending to be as quick as she could on her errand and to return before Lucy could wander away to think her thoughts of darkness somewhere else .
23 There was this same probing again at her hardened tone , this summing up , and Jenna kept her face perfectly still , as icily cold as she could manage , although inside she was filled again with the same old grief , the same feeling of being worthless .
24 He wanted her to talk but he was n't being very successful , her answers were as near monosyllabic as she could make them .
25 ‘ She 's fine , Mum , or at least as fine as she could be in the circumstances .
26 Sycorax fainted , and Ariel bent her cheek to the discoloured cheek of the old woman and licked the salt that fell in her tears , and when she reached the cabin took her inside where the rush screens would keep the flies off her wounds , and made her as comfortable as she could on the ground , with fresh dressings on her burns , a cool soaked cloth on her forehead .
27 She made herself as comfortable as she could , listening to the sounds Travis made as he zipped himself into the sleeping-bag and made himself comfortable .
28 ‘ In her last letter she said she was not sure if she could settle , ’ said Mrs Over .
29 Flavia , sitting very still , was not sure if she could trust her ears .
30 In that moment she was n't sure if she could fling decorum to the wind and beg him to make love to her again , right there , standing up in the blackness of Ghar Hasan .
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