Example sentences of "[adj] [vb pp] [prep] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 The er the special problems the complex presents at the moment , are very minimal compared to what er other police officers I 've spoke to who 've worked the flats in the past , have told me about .
2 Their topics of conversation seemed very limited compared to what we talked about at home .
3 Pastiche is , like parody , the imitation of a peculiar or unique style , the wearing of a stylistic mask , speech in a dead language : but it is a neutral practice of mimicry , without parody 's ulterior motive , without the satirical impulse , without laughter , without that still latent feeling that there exists something normal compared to which what is being imitated is rather comic .
4 While BBC2 was gearing up , the ITA was concerned in 1963 — 4 with its first round of re-franchising , very low-key compared with what was to come .
5 When she did return to her kingdom , what she saw was , inevitably , very small-scale and impoverished compared to what she had known in France .
6 Only at Tocra has archaeology confirmed a substantial Greek presence in the fifth century , but even here the Persian period is impoverished compared to what went before .
7 And beside that again , another box full of erm well partly full depended on what time of the week it was .
8 It is being run by a skeleton staff with minimum facilities , though it will be luxury compared to what Sir Ranulph , 49 , and Dr Stroud , 37 have become used to .
9 The leadership of the International were in general irritated by what seemed to be the sectarian squabbling of the émigré Poles and Russians , while generally defending the traditional interpretation of Marx 's opinions .
10 I 'm taking flushes and whatever but I feel brand new compared to what I felt before I had a hysterectomy cos I was totally lifeless !
11 And they have to be supervised on the roads — traffic here is mad compared to what they are used to . ’
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