Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [vb base] i " in BNC.

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1 So be it when I shall grow old or let me die .
2 It was in excellent condition , was only a year old and cost me £85 .
3 Wilkinson added : ‘ When I am old and grey I will tell people that I was there when Eric Cantona scored that goal against Chelsea . ’
4 Now I feel so embarrassed and wish I did n't have breasts at all , or I try to hide them with baggy T-shirts .
5 ‘ But is the vixen sad or do I attribute sadness to her ?
6 They are at any rate central and have I believe served for various committees of inquiry , etcetera , before .
7 I mean I spoke to Jane the other Sunday and I , I said to her you know , just be honest , I said I do n't care what you said , but just be honest and tell me how much you think I weigh , cos she does n't know how much I weigh and she thought I weighed about ten stone , I said well stick thirteen pounds on top of that , then you 'll be right , she could n't believe that I , that I weighed that much , so obviously it does n't look that bad and people at work , well they 've noticed that I 've lost weight , but they do n't say how much they think I weigh , so I do n't want come to them to sort of , have a , have a g have a guess of my weight .
8 ‘ But I have to be honest and say I never marked her as someone who was going to become a great journalist .
9 I wanted to be honest and say I 'd
10 ‘ As it has never impressed me either , you can pretend that I am normal and address me by my name .
11 I have always kept myself fit and feel I could continue playing until I am 35 . ’
12 And she may be really ill and need me — ’
13 ‘ Can you be patient and trust me ? ’
14 ‘ I am ambitious and feel I am at the right age to go into management .
15 No wonder viewers often get the two Jennys muddled and call me Jenny Seagrove .
16 I find the textual basis for this interpretation very flimsy , in fact there is clear erm erm erm textual evidence for precisely the opposite and let me cite erm one instance Locke is here talking about tacit consent and the purchase of property and erm he says whenever the owner who has given nothing but such a tacit consent to the government will by donation , sale or otherwise quit the said possession , he is at liberty to go and incorporate himself into any other commonwealth or to agree with others to begin a new one in any part of the world they can find free and unpossessed whereas he that has once by actual agreement in any expressed declaration given his consent to be of any commonwealth is perpetually and indispensably obliged to be and remain unalterably a subject to it and can never be again in the liberty of the state of nature .
17 If you read this end to end Ron I 'd be very grateful but let me just point out to you we 've agreed twenty eighth , if you bring it forward great .
18 You 've probably heard the phrase the customer is always right but believe me it 's not true .
19 Now sit still and let me see to your arm . ’
20 Being quite educated and articulate I was n't the sort of prisoner they expected , even though as there are more drug offenders there are more and more women like me .
21 ‘ Take me in by your fire for I am shivering with cold and I am lost in the forest … oh be merciful and let me share your fire and give me a cup of milk to sup and a mouthful of bread … ’
22 I had to walk all the way round there in these shoes , they look good but believe me they 're not meant for walking , and in the end she 's not even home .
23 I bet she 's got ta get irate and ring me back , tell Geoff what I said , I thought well I do n't care , she 's speaks it and I 'll just say to her quietly well , you know I said now Marie 's done this to Geoff after all his hard work and he 's helped his worry anyway then defies him , he begs her to leave and she defied and she 's moved .
24 I thought he 'd leave the machine alone and follow me .
25 Even Daley Thompson , who insisted he had very little interference from teachers , said they helped him in a non-involved way : ‘ They were all right ; they left me alone and let me get on with what suited me .
26 If you had left well alone and let me carry on my business I would n't be here .
27 My sister and I had a hazy idea that he sold rabbit skins from a sort of tray suspended from his neck — but as he was always beautifully neat and clean I do n't know where we got this idea from .
28 Paul expresses his assurance to Timothy , ‘ the Lord will rescue me from all evil and take me safely into his heavenly Kingdom ’ ( 2 Tim .
29 The members are accountable and let me go back about the committees .
30 Do you think they were faulty or have I done something wrong ?
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